Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the module students should be able to:
• Describe the occurrence and behaviour of natural geofluids and subsurface stresses
• Explain the principles and key petrophysical properties associated with single and multi-phase flow in porous media.
• Explain geomechanical and geofluids issues associated with safe and efficient management of earth resources
Indicative Module Content:
Lecture 1: Mechanical compaction in Sedimentary Basins
Lecture 2: Formation, Migration and Trapping of hydrocarbons
Lecture 3: Heat Flow and chemical compaction
Lecture 4: Fluid expulsion and hydrodynamic flow
Lecture 5: Two-phase fluid / rock properties
Lecture 6: Chemical and physical properties of oil and gas
Lecture 7: Viscous, Capillary and Gravity forces in two phase flow
Lecture 8: Primary and secondary hydrocarbon production drive mechanisms
Lecture 9: CO2 sequestration associated with enhanced hydrocarbon production.
Lecture 10: CO2 sequestration in saline aquifers and depleted reservoirs
Practical 1: Oil and Gas migration, trapping and leakage.
Practical 2: Oil Reservoir Pressures and hydrodynamic fluid contacts
Practical 3: Fluid contacts, PVT properties and volumetrics calculations
Practical 4: Examination of dynamic flow simulation results of a producing oilfield.
Practical 5: Physical observations in fluid/fluid/rock behaviour