Learning Outcomes:
Following this module students will:-
Have an understanding of the controls on the types of structures that form under different conditions and their geometrical and scaling properties.
Understand the principals behind creating a structurally valid model of the subsurface based on commonly available data types.
Have a knowledge of methods for testing the validity of structural models.
Indicative Module Content:
1. Stress and rock failure
2. Fractures and their interpretation
3. Fault geometry and displacement distribution; normal faults
4. Fault geometry and displacement distribution; thrusts and strike-slip faults
5. Fault rocks and fault zones
6. Shear zones and ductile deformation
7. Fold geometry and folding mechanisms
8. The scaling of geological structures
9. Controls of pre-existing structure and fault reactivation
10. Structural associations and timing of structures
1. Orientation analysis using stereonets
2. Structural mapping from boreholes
3. Structural evolution from seismic data/displacement mapping
4. Fault Seal Analysis
5. Structural validation and restoration