Learning Outcomes:
1) Explain the field relationships between rock units and how they are influenced by tectonic processes.
2) Explain the geological processes involved in sedimentary basin formation and their sedimentary fill.
3) Appreciate the concept of geological time and the timescales of geological processes.
4) Observe rock textures and fabrics, and sedimentary and deformation structures, in the field and evaluate their geological significance.
5) Construct geological maps in the field and draw cross-sections.
6) Write a report summarizing the geology and geological history of a mapped area.
Indicative Module Content:
INFORMATION MEETINGS (before field class, both 2 hours):
Meeting 1: Louisburgh field class preparation and information. (Assoc. Prof. J.F. Menuge) Presentation and discussion of essential information and preparation for the 7-day residential field class in Louisburgh, Co. Mayo
Meeting 2: Final preparation for Louisburgh field class (Assoc. Prof. J.F. Menuge); Self-awareness for career planning. (Ms E. Caraway, UCD Career Development Centre) Presentation on recognizing, documenting and developing your personal attributes that will be important in seeking employment.
FIELD CLASS (Prof. J.J. Walsh and Assoc. Prof. J.F. Menuge):
The main part of the module consists of a seven-day residential field class based in the small town of Louisburgh, Co. Mayo. The main aim of the class is to learn how to make a geological map and gain further experience in geological field techniques. The class will be divided into groups of two or three students. After an introduction to several key localities, each group will map their own part of the Louisburgh area each day and present their progress each evening during a class seminar. The area to be mapped includes sequences of mostly Silurian sedimentary and metamorphic rocks subject to folding and faulting during the closure of the Iapetus Ocean. At the end of the week, groups will pool their results to create a composite map of the entire mapped area. There will also be discussion about the relevance of the mapping data in understanding the regional Lower Palaeozoic geological evolution of the west of Ireland.
WORKSHOPS (after field class - both 3 hours):
Workshop 1: Library research skills (Mr Diarmuid Stokes (James Joyce Library) and Assoc. Prof. J.F. Menuge)
Introduction to accessing and searching online resources available through UCD Library; online research for Louisburgh field class reporting, and
Writing a geological mapping report (Assoc. Prof. J.F. Menuge)
Introduction to the format of the mapping report; organising your sources of information and your report; writing a description and interpretation of one of the units mapped in the field.
Workshop 2: Mapping report writing (3 hours) (Assoc. Prof. J.F. Menuge)
Following previous submission and provision of written feedback on draft mapping reports, this will consist of a workshop for one-to-one discussions on how to improve students' mapping reports and an opportunity for supervised writing towards the final mapping report.