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Academic Year 2024/2025

INFOMAR marine survey data (GEOG41000)

Social Sciences & Law
4 (Masters)
Module Coordinator:
Dr Jeremy Auerbach
Mode of Delivery:
On Campus
Internship Module:
Module Type:
Fieldwork Module
How will I be graded?
Letter grades

Curricular information is subject to change.

The objective of the ship-based training programme is to provide essential offshore elements in seabed mapping and provide practical, hands-on training to postgraduate students. The training will be delivered by experienced INFOMAR personnel from the INFOMAR programme at the Geological Survey Ireland and the Marine Institute who have extensive seagoing experience.

Training will focus on:
- Multibeam echosounder applications for bathymetry and water column properties
- Sub-bottom data acquisition and applications
- Oceanographic measurements
- GIS applications for seabed mapping
- Research Vessel Systems and navigation
- Remotely operated video (ROV) ground-truthing including equipment (video, lighting, usbl)
- Seabed sampling and types of equipment
- Survey planning (with an opportunity for students to conduct their own survey)

There are two trips for 10 students each.

Please note the travel dates for each trip (you will be registered to only one trip)
6-7 November 2024
7-8 November 2024

Once you register, email me with your preferred trip date.

About this Module

Learning Outcomes:

Students who complete these modules should be able to:
1. Identify the importance of safety on board research vessels and the different activities operating
2. Recognise the principles and techniques involved in seabed mapping and how the seabed is imaged (surface and sub-surface)
3. Identify the principles and techniques involved in marine geological sampling of seabed
4. Recognise the elements of survey design including weather planning
5. Evaluate marine geophysical datasets collected
6. Recognise the work flows involved in data processing marine geophysical data
7. Identify the environmental, commercial and ecosystem factors relating to marine surveys.
8. Demonstrate competence in designing and executing an offshore seabed mapping survey
9. Compete for employment in the expanding field of offshore mineral prospecting

Indicative Module Content:

Training will focus on:
- Multibeam echosounder applications for bathymetry and water column properties
- Sub-bottom data acquisition and applications
- Oceanographic measurements
- GIS applications for seabed mapping
- Research Vessel Systems and navigation
- Remotely operated video (ROV) ground-truthing including equipment (video, lighting, usbl)
- Seabed sampling and types of equipment
- Survey planning (with an opportunity for students to conduct their own survey)

Student Effort Hours:
Student Effort Type Hours


Autonomous Student Learning




Approaches to Teaching and Learning:
- Active / task-based learning
- Peer / group work 
- Lectures
- Lab work
- Problem based learning
- Case based learning
- Student presentation

Requirements, Exclusions and Recommendations

Not applicable to this module.

Module Requisites and Incompatibles
Not applicable to this module.

Assessment Strategy Invalid Option
Description Timing Component Scale Must Pass Component % of Final Grade In Module Component Repeat Offered
Quizzes/Short Exercises: Module Quiz Questions: BrightSpace –short answer quiz questions based on ship-training field work. Answers: 200 words maximum per Week 7 Graded No
Quizzes/Short Exercises: Multiple Choice Questions: BrightSpace MCQ –multiple choice questions based on all module content. 30 questions. Week 11 Graded No

Carry forward of passed components Invalid Option

Resit In Terminal Exam
Spring No
Please see Student Jargon Buster for more information about remediation types and timing. 

Feedback Strategy/Strategies

• Feedback individually to students, post-assessment

How will my Feedback be Delivered?

Feedback given to individuals on request, post-assessment.

Name Role
Janine Guinan Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Xavier Monteys Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Dr Tine Ningal Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Dr Srikumar Roy Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Dr Jonathan Turner Lecturer / Co-Lecturer

Timetabling information is displayed only for guidance purposes, relates to the current Academic Year only and is subject to change.
Autumn Field Trip Offering 1 Week(s) - 9 Fri 08:00 - 22:00
Autumn Field Trip Offering 1 Week(s) - 9 Sat 08:00 - 22:00
Autumn Field Trip Offering 1 Week(s) - 9 Thurs 08:00 - 22:00
Autumn Field Trip Offering 1 Week(s) - 9 Wed 08:00 - 22:00