Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of the module the student will have:
- Theoretical and practical knowledge of advanced GIS applications and data processing;
- Advanced working competence of ArcGIS Pro;
- Ability to automate geospatial analysis tasks though ModelBuilder;
- Ability to create 3D models;
- Working competence on ArcGIS Online for the creation of WebMaps and WebApps;
- Ability to research, collate and manage various formats of online spatial data (including Lidar); and
- Ability for self-directed learning.
Indicative Module Content:
Advancements in GIS technology and applications.
GIS ethics: What are the implications of ever advancing innovation in GIS?
Time series; Network analysis.
Multi-criteria analysis.
Data-driven pages; Map packages.
Working with LIDAR data; 3D visualisation and recording.
ModelBuilder – Automating workflows.
WebMaps and WebApps.
Survey 123.