Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module students should be able to:
- Identify and develop employment opportunities;
- Work independently in unfamiliar situations;
- Manage their time effectively;
- Work effectively as a member of a team, respecting the views of other team members;
- Account for their actions and decisions;
- Critically reflect on their experiences;
- Gain a better understanding of sustainability in a professional environment;
- Demonstrate judgment and integrity in professional dealings;
- Show an ability to critically analyse a project, including the ability to form a judgment on their potential personal contribution, and the professional abilities necessary to complete the project;
- Demonstrate an awareness for confidentiality;
- Critically reflect upon how their degree is relevant to the professional environment; and
- Critically reflect upon their own career aspirations.
Indicative Module Content:
Internships are available subject to suitability and availability, and will range between 6 to 12 weeks. Students can apply for these placements and may be offered internships by placement providers. Students may alternatively source their own placements, but these need to be approved by relevant Internship Managers. Queries can be directed to sustainabilityinternships@ucd.ie