Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module students should be able to: 1) understand that the Earth's physical geographies arise from the interaction of environmental processes operating amongst the Geosphere-Atmosphere-Hydrosphere-Biosphere systems of the planet; 2) understand the exchanges of energy and mass taking place across the environmental systems of the planet; 3) describe and explain the major physical features of the Earth arising from the interaction of its environmental systems; 4) understand the primary processes responsible for producing the Earth's distinctive physical geographies; 5) understand how the physical environment impacts on humans and vice versa
Indicative Module Content:
Topics that will be covered in the module include: History of Physical Geog. & Earth Systems; Theory of Plate tectonics; The Rock Cycle; The Atmosphere: weather and climate: The Hydrological Cycle; Glacial, Fluvial, Coastal and Aeolian Systems; Human-Environment Interactions and Risk Management.