Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module students should be able to:
1. Understand the molecular mechanisms governing transcriptional regulation.
2. Critically evaluate recent literature in the area of gene regulation.
3. Describe the importance of transcriptional regulators in cell fate and development.
4. Evaluate the role of transcriptional regulators in human disease and therapeutics.
Indicative Module Content:
1. Transcription factors in development and disease
2 Enhancers and chromatin looping
3 Chromatin Remodelling in transcription and disease
4 Chromosome structure and function
5 Histone Code in gene regulation
6 Polycomb group complexes in transcription and chromatin organisation
7 Polycomb group complexes in stem cells and development
8 Polycomb group complexes in cancer biology and treatment
9 Chromatinopathies: chromatin processes at the heart of developmental syndromes
Case study 1
Case study 2