Learning Outcomes:
On completing this module, you will be able to:
1. Evaluate, summarise, and discuss the research contributions and findings of top journal academic papers in empirical corporate finance.
2. Critique the seminal theories and understand different research design and econometric approaches used in empirical corporate finance.
3. Work in teams to manipulate large datasets, apply different research designs, and develop econometric models using a statistical package (e.g., Stata) to test key theories and hypotheses.
4. Demonstrate sound critical and analytical skills, discuss and write-up your own research findings in top journal academic paper format.
Indicative Module Content:
Content is subject to change, but the following key topics are typically covered?
1. Review of key theories and empirical evidence on agency theory
2. IPO background and theory
3. Takeovers around the world and information asymmetry
4. Governance and firm value
5. Predicting events and returns - IPO failure and takeovers
6. Venture capital and firm performance
7. Dynamic modeling applied to capital structure
8. Corporate cash holdings