Learning Outcomes:
On completion of the module, the students should be able have a broad knowledge of One Health, zoonoses and epidemiology. A major outcome would be the ability to analyse information pertaining to major zoonoses of current importance, communicating ideas and conclusions effectively using the globally accepted "language" of one health and sustainability.
Indicative Module Content:
Phase 1: One Health Fundamentals
Lecture 1: One Health Initiative
Lecture 2: Introduction to Epidemiology
Lecture 3: Diagnostics and Methods
Lecture 4: Zoonoses
Phase 2: Case Studies
Lectures 5-9: Studying Zoonoses of particular importance in detail
Phase 2: One Health Future
Lecture 10: Anti Microbial Resistance
Lecture 11: Climate Change and One Health
Lecture 12: One Health Challenges and Future Perspectives