Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of the module students are expected to be able to:
- Identify macro and micronutrients required for normal development and health, explain their major functions in the body, main dietary sources, metabolism, and the effects of insufficient and excessive intakes.
- Explain the meaning of energy balance and describe methods to calculate energy needs.
- Understand the nutrient requirements for healthy and balanced diet, how they are determined and how this information affects consumers and public policies.
- Explain how nutritional requirements differ between individuals, depending on age, gender, physiological conditions, and physical activity level.
- Describe the concepts of nutritional requirements and recommendations compared to food-based dietary guidelines.
- Discuss dietary guidelines acknowledging both the environmental sustainability and factors that determine food choice.
Indicative Module Content:
Fundamentals in Human Nutrition and Nutrition Science; Sustainable diet; Nutrient Requirements for healthy and balanced diet; Food-based dietary guidelines; Macronutrients and their role in heath and disease; Energy balance; Nutrient balance; Micronutrients and their role in heath and disease; Challenges and hot topics in nutrition; Overnutrition and undernutrition; Food Choice; Factors determining nutrient requirements (age, gender, physiological state, physical activity).