Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module the student will:
1. Have acquired knowledge of basic concepts in freshwater ecology.
2. Be able to confidently design or review a monitoring program to detect potential impacts of land-use or other anthropogenic activities on water quality.
3. Have knowledge of methodologies for collection and processing of water and biological samples.
4. Have the skills to interpret biological and chemical water-quality data.
5. Have sufficient knowledge to read and communicate water quality information in report format.
6. Appreciate the requirement of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and other relevant legislation.
7. Recognise the ecological basis of the WFD requirements.
8. Be able to source and review freshwater research literature.
9. Work as a team to compile reports and make oral presentations.
Indicative Module Content:
1 Introduction
2 Freshwater Habitats & their Physical Characteristics
3 Biological Components of Freshwater Systems
4 Virtual Fieldtrip
Introduction to the sites that will be investigated using hydrochemical and biological analyses
5 Chemical Composition of Water
PRACTICAL - Analysis of water chemistry: Part 1
6 Water Framework Directive
7 Phosphorus
PRACTICAL - Analysis of water chemistry: Part II
8 Nitrogen
PRACTICAL - Analysis of water chemistry: Part III
9 Sediment
10 Multiple stressors
11 Bioassessment of Water Quality
PRACTICAL: Analysis of macroinvertebrate data.
12 Heavy Metals
13 Potential impacts from forestry operations
14 Pollutant Inputs from Roads
15 Designing a Water Quality Monitoring Programme
16 Constructed wetlands and treatment of pollutants