Learning Outcomes:
ENG32840 AUTUMN 2024
On successful completion of the module students will:
(1) Have gained interdisciplinary insight into how themes relating to laws, legal systems, justice, injustice and retribution are represented on page, stage, screen, song and musical theatre.
(2) Explored a range of works including novels, plays, films, musical theatre, music lyrics and mini-series, each with different themes, that have been impactful and engaging as cultural productions.
(3) Become familiar with many legal terms, develop a strong working vocabulary of the key terms and concepts used to analyse representations of laws, legal systems, justice, injustice and retribution in the creative arts.
(4) Considered the various ways that writers, artists and composers represent laws, legal systems, justice, injustice and retribution.
(5) Analysed the social and political purposes behind the representations of laws, legal systems and its mechanisms in literature, drama, musical theatre, music lyrics, film and digital streaming services.
Indicative Module Content:
ENG32480 AUTUMN 2024
Each seminar has a thematic focus and a schedule of core texts and readings will be given in advance of the module commencement.