Learning Outcomes:
-Demonstrate knowledge of Irish urban gothic writers and an understanding of how their work both reflects and interrogates key social, political and cultural contexts of the city
-Awareness of gothic motifs and the development of urban gothic writing
-Increased understanding of the key debates in Irish and urban gothic criticisms
-Ability to write critically about a range of Irish urban gothic texts
-Critical engagement with a range of Irish urban gothic texts through continuous assessment assignments
Indicative Module Content:
Class Schedule (subject to be modified):
Week 1: Introduction to Irish Urban Gothic Writing
Week 2: Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, In a Glass Darkly (1872) (selected stories)
Week 3: Charlotte Riddell, Weird Stories (1882) (selected stories), Bithia Mary Croker (selected stories)
Week 4-5: Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890)
Week 6-7: Bram Stoker, Dracula (1897)
READING WEEK: Field Trip - Visit MoLI for mandatory seminar (date TBA)
Week 8: Dubliners, James Joyce (1914)
Week 9: Dorothy Macardle, Earthbound (1924) (selected stories)
Week 10-11: Elizabeth Bowen: The Heat of the Day (1948)
Week 12: Final Class Overview