Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of the module students should be able to:
• Compare the treatment of girlhood – and its intersecting themes – across YA texts.
• Demonstrate ability to discuss complex ideas both in class and in written assignments.
• Identify and engage in key critical and theoretical contexts.
• Apply such contexts to analysis of the texts under discussion.
• Perform close-reading of texts leading to nuanced analysis.
• Complete an extended essay on a topic related to the course.
Indicative Module Content:
Week 1: What is YA? What is Girlhood?
Week 2: Idealised Girlhood I
Week 3: Idealised Girlhood II
Week 4: Fairytale Girlhood, Reimagined
Week 5: ‘Beautiful’ Girlhood
Week 6: Trans Girlhood
Week 7: Fat Girlhood
Week 8: Disabled Girlhood
Week 9: Black Girlhood
Week 10: Girlhood and (Post)Feminism