Learning Outcomes:
The aim of this module is to introduce students to the use of Engineering Techniques in Rehabilitation.
At the end of the module students will:
- Have a basic knowledge of the neurophysiology of motor control and motor learning
- Have a basic knowledge of the effect of the most common neurological diseases on motor control and motor learning
- Have substantial knowledge of the most common techniques for movement analysis
- Have substantial knowledge of the most common technologies for rehabilitation and assistance of movement of impaired individuals.
- Be able to apply engineering principles and techniques to the development of innovative technology for assisting and training movement in impaired individuals.
Indicative Module Content:
The following is an indicative list of lecture topics:
- Rehabilitation Engineering - Contextual overview & historical background:
The incidence and societal cost of injury and rehabilitation; Historical overview of the scientific and technological field; Group assignment definition and discussion.
- Neurophysiology and basic concepts of Motor Control and Motor Learning: Introduction of the strategies and the structures the human body employs during the planning, execution and learning of movements. Comparison between healthy and clinical population.
- Orthotics & prosthetic design
History of prosthetics and orthotics in Rehabilitation. Introduction to issues in upper and lower limb prosthetic design. Recent developements in upper limb prosthetics and myoelectric control.
- Analysis of Movement - Clinical gait and motion analysis
Introduction to gait analysis and applications. The technology - 3D kinematics, force plates, electromyography. Data analysis and interpretation. Clinical outcome assessment with an emphasis on rehabilitation.
- Advanced techniques for biomedical signal processing. Advanced EMG processing; EEG processing. Application of these techniques in the study of motor control and motor learning and in the development of assistive and training devices.
- Rehabilitation and assistive technologies:
This module serves as an introduction to the field of Assistive Technology. It provides students with an overview of popular technologies available and outlines their use by and for people with disabilities. Students will have the chance to get a sense of how the field is advancing. Technologies covered will be, among the others, Robotics for rehab, wearable sensors, brain computer interfaces, functional stimulation.
- Universal Design:
Principles of universal design. The design of all products and environments to be usable by everyone regardless of age, ability or situation, with particular reference to its relevance in the field of Rehabilitation Engineering. This component is delivered in conjunction with the Centre for Universal Design at the National Disability Authority.
- National Rehabilitation Hospital (NRH) - practical/laboratory activity:
Visit the UCD/NRH rehabilitation engineering research laboratory on the hospital campus in Dun Laoghaire. Review of past and current rehabilitation engineering projects by the engineering staff and some demonstrations.