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Academic Year 2021/2022

Power Electronics Technology (EEEN40310)

Electronic & Electrical Eng
Engineering & Architecture
Electrical & Electronic Eng
4 (Masters)
Module Coordinator:
Assoc Professor Terence O'Donnell
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Invalid Option Every electronic system requires a power supply and as electronic systems have become more complex, incorporating greater functionality, the power supply has evolved to fulfil a complex role at the interface between the power source, the electronics and control. This module is intended to cover the operation and technology of the modern power conversion system with a focus on low to medium power applications in electronics. Applications covered will include; the powering of low power, battery operated systems such as smartphones and the powering of mains operated computer and telecommunications systems.
The module content covers three major sections, starting with the analysis of various DC-DC converter circuits, followed by analogue control approaches for the closed loop control of such converters and finishing with an overview of the components required.
The module has a strong emphasis on design with many examples provided for the design of DC-DC converters, their control circuits and components where appropriate. Aspects of component characteristics, parameters, and how they relate to the technology and the performance in the application is described.
The module also includes a laboratory component where a DC-DC converter circuit is designed, simulated, built and tested over the course of several lab sessions.

About this Module

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this module students should;

• Have gained an advanced knowledge and understanding of the role which DC-DC converters play in powering electronic systems and a knowledge of the technologies which underpin such converters.
• Be able to identify and distinguish between different power converter circuit topologies, formulate the circuit equations which describe their operation and hence analyse their operation.
• Be able to perform detailed design of a DC-DC converter to meet a given specification including the design of the circuit, its closed loop controller, and the design or make appropriate selection of the components from which it is built.
• Be able to simulate using advanced circuit simulation, build and test a prototype DC-DC converter circuit including the ability to conduct experiments to analyse its performance.
• Gain an understanding of the importance of engineering standards and their relevance to aspects of dc-dc converter design.
• Effectively communicate their design approach and choices through written technical reports on the laboratory work.

Indicative Module Content:

The module is divided in to three major sections with content as follows:

1) Converter Circuits: A range of commonly used non-isolated and isolated DC-DC converter circuits are analysed including Buck, Forward, Half Bridge, Full Bridge, Boost, Buck-Boost and Flyback circuits. Analysis focuses on circuit operation and analysis of losses. A range of application focused design examples are provided. Active Power Factor Correction is also covered.
2) Closed loop control of DC-DC converters: This includes the derivation of small signal linear models for DC-DC converters and the design of analogue based controllers to ensure stability. Voltage mode and current mode control are covered. Numerous desing examples are provided.
3)Components: This sections covers the choice of converter components such as capacitors, inductors, diodes and switches. Design of inductors and transformers is also covered.

Student Effort Hours:
Student Effort Type Hours
Autonomous Student Learning










Approaches to Teaching and Learning:
The main approach to teaching and learning is through a series of lectures. The lectures containing numerous practical design examples. Circuit simulation models of all of the circuits analysed are provided and students are encouraged to use these to gain a better understanding.
Laboratory sessions are arranged in the form of a mini-project which is conducted over several sessions where students get the opportunity to design, simulate, build and test a DC-DC converter circuit and hence put into practice the theory covered in the lectures.

Requirements, Exclusions and Recommendations
Learning Requirements:

Knowledge of electronic circuits, and circuit theory.

Learning Recommendations:

Knowledge of solid state electronics.

Module Requisites and Incompatibles
EEEN20070 - Solid State Devices, EEEN30020 - Circuit Theory, EEEN30120 - Analogue Electronics


Assessment Strategy Invalid Option
Description Timing Open Book Exam Component Scale Must Pass Component % of Final Grade In Module Component Repeat Offered
Continuous Assessment: A series of online tests conducted throughout the trimester. Varies over the Trimester n/a Alternative linear conversion grade scale 40% No
Continuous Assessment: One assignment to be be submitted during trimester. The assignments will be based on design, analysis and simulation of a transform isolated converter circuits from the lectures. Week 10 n/a Graded No
Lab Report: A series of two technical reports submitted at the end of each major section of the lab work, typically at weeks 9 and 12.
Varies over the Trimester n/a Graded No
Examination: 2 hour end of trimester examination 2 hour End of Trimester Exam No Standard conversion grade scale 40% No

Carry forward of passed components Invalid Option

Resit In Terminal Exam
Spring No
Please see Student Jargon Buster for more information about remediation types and timing. 

Feedback Strategy/Strategies

• Feedback individually to students, post-assessment
• Group/class feedback, post-assessment

How will my Feedback be Delivered?

Feedback on lab reports is provided by means of a grade and a breakdown of the grading approach. More detailed individual feedback will be provided by the module coordinator on request. General feedback to the entire class is provided after grading of the first set of lab reports to indicate common areas for improvement. Feedback on the continuous assessment assignments will be provided by means of an overall grade and a breakdown of the grading for various sections of the assignment.

Pulse Width Modulated DC-DC Power Converters
Marian K. Kazimierczuk, Wiley,2008

Fundamentals of Power Electronics
Robert W. Erickson, Dragan Maksimovic, Kluwer Academic Publishers.