Learning Outcomes:
Having passed this module the student will be able to:
- Expound on the theoretical foundations of a number of important signal processing operations.
- Define fundamental terms that characterise a random signal.
- Describe and analyse linear estimators.
- Specify and design algorithms for the processing of speech and images and implement those algorithms in a high level language.
- Design, implement and analyse adaptive digital filters for a variety of applications.
Indicative Module Content:
The following key topics are covered:
- Random signals: random variables, stationary random processes, auto-correlation, cross-correlation, power spectral density.
- Estimation theory: unbiased estimation, minimum variance unbiased estimation, best linear unbiased estimations (BLUE), least squares.
- Linear optimum filtering: Wiener filter, linear prediction.
- Linear adaptive filtering: steepest-descent algorithm, least-mean-square algorithm.
- Channel equalization
- Image processing: image representation, 2D-convolution, 2D-correlation, 2D discrete Fourier transform, template matching, image filtering (smoothing filters, sharpening filters)