Learning Outcomes:
On completion of the module, students will be able to design, implement and evaluate initiatives in schools, drawing on education theory and utilising appropriate methodologies and evaluation instruments.
Students will understand how to design a field-based study, carry out the stages of the study, write it up, evaluate it, and report on it (orally and in writing). Students will have completed a field-based study, in a school/education context, and submitted it for assessment as part of this 30-credit module.
Indicative Module Content:
Design of field-based studies; scoping exercises in school contexts, to establish viable and relevant case studies; implementation of school-based initiative; evaluation of school-based initiative; theoretical framing of the field-based work; presentation skills; academic writing and presentation of ideas. Approaches to field-based work including, but not limited to, case studies, action research, problem-based learning, curriculum innovation, school evaluation, implementing new approaches/ideas in different areas (eg. mentoring for leadership, coaching in education contexts, discipline, motivation, stress management, gender equality in schools).