Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the module, you will be able to:
• Describe the key experimental and causal methods in behavioural economics
• Articulate key methodological debates on causal methods
• Demonstrable theoretical knowledge on the key processes involved in conducting field, online, and lab experiments
• Evaluate the strengths and limitations of field, online, and lab experiments
• Apply practical experience in designing a field, online, and lab experiment.
Indicative Module Content:
Module Overview & Introduction to Randomised Controlled Trials I
Introduction to Randomised Controlled Trials II
Methods of Randomisation
Power Analysis & Sample Size
Analysis & Threats to Validity
Lab/survey Experiments: Practical Guide
Data Analysis
Social, Risk and time preferences
A Moment of Creation (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979)
Laboratory “Exhibits” in Behavioural Economics
Designing Lab Experiments for Strong Inference