Student Effort Hours:
Autonomous Student Learning |
80 |
Lectures |
22 |
Total |
102 |
Approaches to Teaching and Learning:
Lectures, enquiry & problem-based learning.
Assessment is through multiple short online exams and one written assessment with multiple elements.
Large Language Models like ChatGPT (often referred to as AI) are allowed to be used for the written assignment, as a guide to what an answer might look like, but the use of AI must be acknowledged in the assignment appendices. In general, all assignments require that facts and expert opinion must be attributed using the Harvard referencing system and it is not appropriate to use low quality sources like ChatGPT or Wikipedia for these purposes.
Plagiarism risk is high when using AI, and it is not acceptable to submit AI-generated content as it is. If you copy and paste entire AI-generated answers, it will be considered plagiarism. Even AI co-created work is considered collusion if you present it all as your own. Note, AI-generated lists of publications and other sources are predictions only; they may not truly exist, therefore you should check all sources of information provided for accuracy.
If you use AI to generate answers in online exams, this is considered academic misconduct.