Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module you will be able to:
• Review and summarise relevant reading/on-line material on various key aspects of Irish economic policy and apply what you have learned to new data and situations;
• Explain the importance and relevance of the information contained in reading/on-line material for various Irish economic policy issues;
• Apply basic economic thinking to issues of Irish economic policy;
• Evaluate public policy-making in Ireland.
Indicative Module Content:
This module will cover some of the following topics:
1. Overview of the Irish Economy:
(i) From Independence to 1994
(ii) From Celtic Tiger to the present
2. A framework for economic policy analysis
3. The Political Economy of Sustainable Development
4. Inequality and Poverty
5. The Care Economy
6. Manufacturing and Internationally-Traded Services Sector
7. Education Sector
O'Hagan, John , Francis O’Toole and Ciara Whelan (eds):
The Economy of Ireland: Policy Making in a Global Context (14th edition), 2021, Bloomsbury
(Available in Library or for purchase in the Campus Bookstore OR on-line https://shop.universitybooks.ie/Books/THE-ECONOMY-OF-IRELAND-POLICY-MAKING-I_9781350933811 for collection at Campus Bookstore or for delivery.