Learning Outcomes:
- Gain a broad understanding of the cultural contexts for theatre across cultures and in Ireland
- Define and identify key creative roles in making theatre, including the role of the audience
- Distinguish and evaluate key contributions in collaborative work
- Begin to critique the theatrical event, and the cultural and artistic roles of theatre and performance
- Experience and test selected skills in making theatre
Indicative Module Content:
The module has two parts:
PART 1 focuses on key creative principles in the study of theatre, including the role of the spectator, the significance of the collaborative ensemble, the stage space, and questions around how live theatrical events are recorded and remembered.
PART 2 examines how these principles work in practice, through focusing on theatrical activity taking place in Dublin now (this may include the work of venues - such as The Abbey or Project Arts Centre - theatre-makers themselves, or those who support their work through funding, promotion, and/or other production-focused or backstage roles). Students will engage in independent research and have opportunities to encounter people who work in the theatre industry.
Throughout, students will develop their skills in performance analysis attending at least one live performance, and engaging in small group discussion of recordings and documents of performances.