Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module students should be able to:
i. demonstrate an understanding of professional autonomy and accountability
ii. demonstrate an understanding of evidence-based practice and the importance of this to contemporary dietetic practice
iii. describe and demonstrate application of the nutrition care process using the ADIME (assessment, diagnosis, intervention, monitoring and evaluation) model
iv. describe the communication and behavioural change skills commonly used in dietetic professional practice and demonstrate their application in role play
v. understand the importance of ethical and professional behaviour in clinical practice and research in health and education settings
vi. understand the importance of interpersonal and professional relationships
vii. understand the responsibilities of practitioners in relation to legislation governing statutory registration, codes of professional practice, data protection, freedom of information, safety, health and welfare at work
viii. understand the key principles of risk assessment, health and safety and infection control procedures
ix. understand the structure of Irish and dietetic healthcare systems and how these inform provision of quality dietetic practice
x. demonstrate an understanding of the importance of continuous personal and professional development in provision of quality care
Indicative Module Content:
Behavioural change skills
Nutrition care process
Problem-based learning in preparation for practice placements within the healthcare setting
Problem-based learning focused on interdisciplinary team-working development
Reflective practice and writing
Clinical nutrition and dietetics professional skills
Peer assessment and feedback
Health and safety at work, risk assessment
Legal and ethical aspects of dietetic practice
Social media
Child protection
Statutory registration