Learning Outcomes:
- Understand the process of Incident Response
- Understand how various malware tool sets work
- Understand and learn from major incidents of the recent past, including both 'for profit' criminal attacks, espionage, and military attacks
- Understand the legal, human resource, and corporate ramifications arising from acting in response to incidents
- Discuss current trends and likely future directions in cyber threat
- Understand, and be able to, rapidly assess an individual threat, using high quality, trusted sources on the internet
Indicative Module Content:
- How malware has evolved over time, how it works, and how the criminal system surrounding it operates
- In-depth study of the report on the HSE cyber-attack - Technical detail of the attack
- In-depth study of the report on the HSE cyber-attack - Actual incident response and lessons learned
- Intrusion, and intrusion detection (guest speaker)
- Identification and use of reliable sources for information on current, and emerging, cyber threats
- Production of a report on a type of current threat (via assignment)
- Real world case studies