Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of the Stem Cells in Medicine module, the student should have:
1. Improved their knowledge of biomedicine by being able to:
1a. Elucidate the basic biologic characteristics and behaviour of stem cells
1b. Apply the basic concepts of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms to the control of stem cell replication and differentiation
1c. Distinguish between embryonic stem cells, different adult stem cell types and cancer stem cells in their basic behavioural
characteristics in vivo and in vitro
1d. Outline the principles of stem cell culture and laboratory analysis.
2. Improved skills applicable to clinical practice by being able to:
2a. Discuss the current applications of stem cells in therapy, diagnostics and research with specific reference to major human
diseases and research initiatives
2b. Clearly communicate legal and ethical issues in the area of stem cell research and therapeutic use.
3. Improved professional and personal skills by participating in course work and assessment which place a strong emphasis on:
3a. Group work
3b. Clear precise oral presentation
3c. Literature research and review