Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand phrases, sentences or short conversations on topics such as daily routines, campus life, learning routines, when speech is clearly audible.
2. Communicate in routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on topics given above.
3. Understand and fluently use everyday expressions and phrases in predictable situations.
4. Enunciate learned phrases and sentences with correct pronunciation.
5. Achieve HSK level 2.
Indicative Module Content:
Week 1
Topics: Talk about travel and weather
Pronunciation: Stress in disyllabic words
Week 2
Topics: Talk about daily routine and wellbeing
Pronunciation: Stress in trisyllabic words
Week 3
Topics: Talk about your house by using the “的“phrase
Pronunciation: Stress in quadrisyllabic words
Week 4
Topics: Talk about shopping
Pronunciation: Stress in a sentence
Week 5
Topics: Talk about sports by using 1) the interrogative pronoun“怎么“ and 2)the pair of conjunctions“因为…所以…” Pronunciation: Logical stress in a sentence
Week 6
Topics: How to ask for directions, asking for advice or suggestions by using the interrogative sentence “ …好吗?“ Pronunciation: Basic intonation of Chinese sentences, intonation of a declarative sentence
Week 7
Topics: Expressing feelings by using complements of results
Pronunciation: Intonation of yes-no questions
Week 8
Topics: Using imperative sentence “ 不要/别…了“ to describe intentions
Pronunciation: Intonation of specific questions
Week 9
Topics: Different forms of comparative sentences
Pronunciation: Intonation of affirmative-negative questions
Week 10
Topics: Talk about clothes
Pronunciation: Intonation of imperative sentences
Week 11
Topics: Talk about entertainment
Pronunciation: Intonation of an exclamatory sentence
Week 12
Topics: Talk about Chinese New Year
Pronunciation: Intonation of a question ending with “吧“ or “吗”