Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand simple texts, standardized messages, phrases or expressions on topics such as daily routines, campus life, learning routines.
2. Write simple, fixed expressions and short sentences on topics given above.
3. Build up a vocabulary of 500 words.
4. Achieve HSK level 2.
Indicative Module Content:
Week 1:
The auxiliary Verb “要”
The adverb of degree “最“
Expressions of approximate numbers “几,多” Basic Chinese Radicals :王字旁、足字旁
Week 2:
Question using “是不是”
The pronoun “每” and “多“
The “的“ phrase
The modal adverb “真”
The numeral classifier “一下“ Basic Chinese Radicals :木字旁、利刀旁、竹字头等
Week 3:
The structure “是…的”
Indicating time with “是…时候”
The adverb of time “已经“ Basic Chinese Radicals :绞丝旁、竖心旁
Week 4:
The adverbs “ 就“、“还“、“有点儿“
The interrogative pronoun “怎么“ Basic Chinese Radicals :广字头、子字旁、提手旁等
Week 5:
Reduplication of measure words
The conjunction pair “因为…所以“
The adverb “ 就“、“还”
The verb “离”
The modal particle “呢” Basic Chinese Radicals :双人旁、提手旁等
Week 6:
The interrogative sentence “…, 好吗?”
Reduplication of verb
Pivotal sentences
The adverb “再” Basic Chinese Radicals :巾字旁、又字旁
Week 7:
Complements of results
The preposition “从“
“第“ indicating order
The imperative sentence “不要/别…了“
The preposition “ 对“ Basic Chinese Radicals :土字旁、四点水、走字底等
Week 8:
Comparative sentences with “比“
The auxiliary verb “可能“ Basic Chinese Radicals :病字头、两点水
Revision of content from Week 1 to Week 8
Week 9:
Advanced comparative sentences with “ 比”
Basic Chinese Radicals :病字头
Week 10:
Complements of state
The aspect particle ”着“
The preposition “往“ Basic Chinese Radicals :页字旁
Week 11:
The rhetorical question “不是…吗“
The aspect particle ”过“
The pair of conjunctions “虽然…但是…“
The complement of frequency “ 次“
Basic Chinese Radicals :贝字旁、雪字头
Week 12:
Indicate the state of an action with ”要…了“
The structure “ 都…了“ Basic Chinese Radicals :山字旁、大字旁