Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this course, students will be able to:
1) Understand phrases and sentences on topics such as common greetings, oneself, family and friends, dates and time, directions and locations, and going shopping (when given adequate time and relevant cues);
2) Read simple texts, standardized messages, phrases and expressions on topics given above;
3) Achieve mastery of the Pinyin (Romanisation of Standard Chinese) system, and pronounce acquired vocabulary and short phrases with the correct tones;
4) Ask questions and make sentences involving learned material;
5) Write simple texts on the topics learned using characters;
6) Build up a vocabulary of 200 words;
7) Achieve HSK level 1 proficiency.
Indicative Module Content:
Week 1: Phonetics and greetings
Week 2: The interrogative pronoun什么/谁/哪;The “是”sentence; Interrogative sentence with “吗” ;The structural particle“的”;The interrogative particle “呢”.
Week 3: The interrogative pronoun 几/怎么; Numbers below 100; “了”indicating a change; The interrogative phrase “多+大”;The modal verb “会”;Sentences with an adjectival predicate.
Week 4: Expression of dates; Sentence with a nominal predicate; 去+place+ to do sth.; The modal verb“想”;The interrogative pronoun“多少”;The measure words“个”and“口”;Expression of money
Week 5: The Verb “在”;The interrogative pronoun “哪儿”;The preposition “在”;The interrogative particle “呢”
Week 6: The “有”sentence indicating existence; The conjunction “和”;The modal verb “能”;Imperative sentence with “请”.
Week 7: Expression of time; Time word used as an adverbial; The noun “前”.
Week 8: The interrogative pronoun“怎么样”;Sentence with a subject-predicate phrase as the predicate; The adverb “太”;The modal verb “会”.
Week 9: The interjection “喂”;“在……呢”used to indicate an action in progress; The modal particle “吧”.
Week 10: “了”indicating occurrence or completion; The noun “后”;The modal particle “啊”;The adverb “都”
Week 11: The structure “是…….的”used to emphasize time, place, or manner.
Week 12: Revision