Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module students should be able to
1. Understand the origins of the fundamental differential fluid dynamics equations including the continuity equation and the Navier Stokes equation.
2. Apply fundamental differential fluid dynamics equations to simplified geometries and situations in order to obtain equations describing the fluid behaviour
3. Model the basic hydrodynamics of bubble columns and gas-liquid or liquid-liquid agitated reactors
4. Model heat exchangers under more complex conditions, including the presence of more than one tube or shell pass or varying U-values within the unit itself
5. Understand the practical guidelines which should be used during the design of a shell and tube heat exchanger and the iterative nature of the design procedure itself.
6. Model the heat transfer taking place in agitated tanks
7. Model heat transfer taking place during condensation
8. Model heat transfer taking place during boiling
Indicative Module Content:
Fluid Conservation Equations: https://graspe.com/ucd/classes/97
Navier Stokes Analytical Solutions: https://graspe.com/ucd/classes/98
Heat Exchanger Sizing: https://graspe.com/ucd/classes/99
Heat Exchanger Design Guidelines: https://graspe.com/ucd/classes/100
Multipass Heat Exchangers: https://graspe.com/ucd/classes/101
Heat Transfer in Stirred Tanks: https://graspe.com/ucd/classes/102
Bubble Column Fluid Mechanics: https://graspe.com/ucd/classes/105
Multiphasic Agitated Tanks: https://graspe.com/ucd/classes/106
Condensation Heat Transfer: https://graspe.com/ucd/classes/103
Boiling Heat Transfer: https://graspe.com/ucd/classes/104