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Academic Year 2024/2025

Advanced Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics (CHEN40160)

Chemical Engineering
Engineering & Architecture
Chem & Bioprocess Engineering
4 (Masters)
Module Coordinator:
Dr Philip Donnellan
Mode of Delivery:
Internship Module:
How will I be graded?
Letter grades

Curricular information is subject to change.

This module will introduce students to advanced topics in heat transfer and fluid mechanics with particular emphasis on applications in chemical and process engineering systems. The material covered will build upon the treatment of both topics at Level 3 and is intended to increase awareness of design strategies and methods in selected applications.

About this Module

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this module students should be able to
1. Understand the origins of the fundamental differential fluid dynamics equations including the continuity equation and the Navier Stokes equation.
2. Apply fundamental differential fluid dynamics equations to simplified geometries and situations in order to obtain equations describing the fluid behaviour
3. Model the basic hydrodynamics of bubble columns and gas-liquid or liquid-liquid agitated reactors
4. Model heat exchangers under more complex conditions, including the presence of more than one tube or shell pass or varying U-values within the unit itself
5. Understand the practical guidelines which should be used during the design of a shell and tube heat exchanger and the iterative nature of the design procedure itself.
6. Model the heat transfer taking place in agitated tanks
7. Model heat transfer taking place during condensation
8. Model heat transfer taking place during boiling

Indicative Module Content:

Fluid Conservation Equations: https://graspe.com/ucd/classes/97
Navier Stokes Analytical Solutions: https://graspe.com/ucd/classes/98
Heat Exchanger Sizing: https://graspe.com/ucd/classes/99
Heat Exchanger Design Guidelines: https://graspe.com/ucd/classes/100
Multipass Heat Exchangers: https://graspe.com/ucd/classes/101
Heat Transfer in Stirred Tanks: https://graspe.com/ucd/classes/102
Bubble Column Fluid Mechanics: https://graspe.com/ucd/classes/105
Multiphasic Agitated Tanks: https://graspe.com/ucd/classes/106
Condensation Heat Transfer: https://graspe.com/ucd/classes/103
Boiling Heat Transfer: https://graspe.com/ucd/classes/104

Student Effort Hours:
Student Effort Type Hours




Autonomous Student Learning




Approaches to Teaching and Learning:
The approaches to teaching and learning applied in this module involve a blended approach between online video based lessons and interactive classroom sessions. The key elements incorporated in to the module are:
- Students are provided with all core module teaching materials in the form of online video lectures here at https://graspe.com/ucd
- Students are provided with accompanying PDF slides of the material covered in the video lectures
- Class time is used for interactive engagement with practical application of the materials delivered as part of the online content including group and individual based problem solving, engaging the lecturer/tutor with questions, and identifying which aspects of the material learnt require additional explanation or focus (these aspects will then be addressed in class by the lecturer/tutor)
- Students are asked to engage in the creation of module specific teaching materials as part of their continuous assessment. Students will be provided with (or asked to select) topics which align with the module and to create video based tutorials teaching their topic(s) to their classmates. These student based teaching materials will be available to all members of the class and will be peer reviewed.

Requirements, Exclusions and Recommendations
Learning Requirements:

- Understanding of heat transfer principles relating to conduction and convection
- Application of energy balances and heat transfer rate equations for the sizing of heat exchangers
- Understanding of the basic fluid dynamics equations including the conservation of mass, the conservation of momentum, and Bernoulli's Equation
- Understanding of how to model fluid flow through piping networks including the incorporation of frictional losses and pumping systems

Module Requisites and Incompatibles
CHEN30130 - Heat Transfer & Fluid Mech.

Adv.Heat Transfer & Fluids (CHEN30080)


Assessment Strategy
Description Timing Component Scale Must Pass Component % of Final Grade In Module Component Repeat Offered
Exam (In-person): End of term exam End of trimester
2 hr(s)
Standard conversion grade scale 40% No
Assignment(Including Essay): Assignment Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6, Week 7 Standard conversion grade scale 40% No
Assignment(Including Essay): Assignment Week 7, Week 8, Week 9, Week 10, Week 11 Standard conversion grade scale 40% No

Carry forward of passed components

Resit In Terminal Exam
Spring Yes - 2 Hour
Please see Student Jargon Buster for more information about remediation types and timing. 

Feedback Strategy/Strategies

• Feedback individually to students, post-assessment
• Online automated feedback
• Peer review activities

How will my Feedback be Delivered?

- Students will encounter a number of MCQ questions as they work through the online video lessons associated with the module. These MCQs will provide students with feedback upon submission of answers - Students will be asked to peer review other students' continuous assessment work - Students will be provided with a breakdown of their grade following the completion of continuous assessments

Kundu, P.K., "Fluid Mechanics", Academic Press
Denn, M.M., “Process Fluid Mechanics”, Prentice-Hall
Coulson, J.M., Richardson,J.F., Backhurst,J.R. and J.H. Harker, “Chemical Engineering” Volume 1, Butterworth Heinemann,
Middleman, S., “An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics”, Wiley & Sons
Wilkes, J.O., “Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers”, Prentice-Hall
Holland, F.A. and R.Bragg, “Fluid Flow for Chemical Engineers”, Hodder and Stoughton
de Nevers, N., “Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers”, Mc Graw-Hill
Incropera, F.P., de Witt D.P., Bergman, T.L. and S.S. Lavine, “Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer”, Wiley & Sons
Kern, D.Q., “Process Heat Transfer”, McGraw-Hill, 1950.
Kreith, F. and M.S. Bohn, “Principles of Heat Transfer”, Brooks/Cole Publishers
Mills, A.F., “Heat Transfer”, Prentice-Hall
Sinnott, R.K. and G. Towler, “Chemical Engineering Design” (Volume Six, Coulson & Richardson Chemical Engineering Series) B/H Elsevier
Smith, R., “Chemical Process Design and Integration” John Wiley & Sons

Timetabling information is displayed only for guidance purposes, relates to the current Academic Year only and is subject to change.
Autumn Lecture Offering 1 Week(s) - 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Thurs 11:00 - 11:50
Autumn Lecture Offering 1 Week(s) - Autumn: All Weeks Tues 11:00 - 11:50
Autumn Lecture Offering 1 Week(s) - Autumn: All Weeks Tues 12:00 - 12:50
Autumn Lecture Offering 1 Week(s) - 5, 6, 7 Tues 14:00 - 14:50
Autumn Tutorial Offering 1 Week(s) - 2, 4, 6, 9, 11 Mon 16:00 - 16:50
Autumn Tutorial Offering 2 Week(s) - 3, 5, 7, 10, 12 Mon 16:00 - 16:50