Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Learning Outcome 1 (LO1): Describe the effect of thermal and non-thermal processing technologies on the physical, chemical and microbiological properties of food products and the translation of these technologies in the design of food preservation.
- LO2: Demonstrate an understanding of the application of heat and mass transfer, and reaction kinetic principles to the design of a range of unit operations employed in the processing of food products, including drying, psychometrics, pasteurisation, aseptic processing, microwave and dielectric heating.
- LO3: Demonstrate knowledge of the operating principles of Process Analytical Technology and the roles that sensors play in food processing and quality control.
- LO4: Apply appropriate engineering tools and methods, including basic simulations software such as Matlab, to solve numerical problems related to unit operations in food process engineering.
- LO5: Describe the design of dairy manufacturing and juice production as case studies to demonstrate learning outcomes.