Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module students should be able to:1. Define and illustrate major concepts in genomics and proteomics 2. Identify and compare relevant technologies in genome and proteome research 3. Using examples, describe the application of high-throughput genomics and proteomics technology to address problems and questions in biological sciences and medicine 4. Demonstrate competency in the basic application of a prominent proteomics technique, i.e. the identification and comparison of proteins from complex samples by 2D gelelectrophoresis, including bioinformatics methods to analyse mass spectrometry data.
Indicative Module Content:
1. Introduction to genomics (SG)
2. Next Generation sequencing (SG)
3. Bacterial genomics (SG)
4. Comparative bacterial genomics (SG)
5. Sequencing eukaryotic genomes (GB)
6. The human genome (GB)
7. Bioarchaelogy and the movement of human populations (GB)
8. Transcriptomics: microarrays (GB)
9. Transcriptomics: novel approaches (GB)
10. Protein function analysis – knockouts (JH)
11. Protein function analysis – RNA interference (JH)
12. Protein chips: generation and uses (JH)
13. 2D gel electrophoresis (JH)
14. Mass spectrometry (JH)
15. Mass spectrometry – Applications & Quantitative Methods (JH)
16. Analysis of protein-protein interactions - Yeast two hybrid analysis (JH)
17. Analysis of protein complexes - Affinity purification (JH)