Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module students should:
1). Gain an in-depth understanding of theories and frameworks that underpin the field of entrepreneurship.
2). Be able to analyse and synthesise published research in the field of entrepreneurship.
3). Be able to comprehend and apply the theoretical perspectives underlying opportunity identification, creativity and the new venture development process.
4). Increase your awareness of external, psychological and environmental forces influence the formation of new ventures.
5). Gain an in-depth understanding of the various policies and programmes for accelerating sustainable entrepreneurship in regions.
6). Be able to present your work effectively to others and lead an academic discussion.
Indicative Module Content:
Some of the topics that will be covered in this module include:
The Nature, Foundations and Value of Entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial Cognition
Creativity and Innovation
Role, Sources and Forms of Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Opportunity Evaluation and Entrepreneurial Decision Making
Role of Entrepreneurs: Skills, Motives, and Characteristics
Psychology of the Entrepreneur and the Decision to Pursue Opportunity
Assembly of Resources (1): Team Development and Networks
Assembly of Resources (2): Obtaining, managing and using financial assets
Legal Aspects of New Ventures and Intellectual Property
Managing and Building the New Venture: Motivation, Entrepreneurship Leadership.
Strategies for Attaining Growth.
Enterprise Policy 1: University Technology Transfer.
Enterprise Policy 2: Entrepreneurial Ecosystems.