Learning Outcomes:
Learning outcomes: on completion of this module participants will have the skill and knowledge to
- understand and research the roles and functions of the European institutions/agencies in the development and implementation of EU policies;
- navigate the primary sources on the EU institutions/agencies, policy processes, legislative and policy materials, and forums for interaction with business stakeholders;
- research and critically select from primary, academic and complementary sources;
- establish the relationships between the European Union institutions/agencies and the business stakeholders;
- consider the evolving form and influence of European Union policies on European and international business; and
- evaluate the impact of European Union policies on specific industries and companies.
Indicative Module Content:
This module will
i. briefly review the foundation of the European Union and its evolution into a major regional player in the world in which international businesses operate;
ii. identify the institutional players and agencies (e.g. the Council of the European Union, the European Commission, the European Parliament , the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Central Bank etc..) who make the key decisions and monitor the European Unions legal and policy impact;
iii. explore policy fields including the internal market for goods and services, international trade, investment, competition, economic and monetary union, climate/environment, the digital world;
iv. investigate the interplay between business and EU policies (as mentioned above) through examples drawn from a variety of sectors including food/drink, transport (rail, air, road and sea), pharmaceuticals, finance/banking, digital services, energy.
Given the centrality of challenges posed by climate change and sustainability these will feature across the policy fields. The EU policy process and relations with business stakeholders also raises questions of transparency and ethics.