Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module you are expected to be able to:
(a) evaluate goals and their characteristics to set those which allow you to thrive in the future,
(b) research, evaluate and process quality sources,
(c) realise the importance of practicing critical thinking,
(d) express yourself in professional and academic, written and verbal formats,
(e) appreciate the importance of managing time,
(f) understand the importance of mindsets, resilience and empathy for achieving long term success,
(g) value individual differences in learning and personal learning preferences,
(h) reflect on learning to date with evidence from academic literature, and
(i) dare to review their own work to improve in subsequent submissions.
Indicative Module Content:
Week 1 Introduction: Starting off on the right foot (Module delivery and assessment)
Week 2 Topic 1 Understanding and setting goals
Week 3 Topic 2 Developing your research skill by finding reliable sources and processing them effectively
Week 4 Topic 3 Becoming a critical thinker
Week 5 Topic 4 Expressing yourself in spoken words
Week 6 Learning Reflection 1 preparation
Week 7 Topic 5 Identifying your learning style and helpful strategies
Week 8 Study week
Week 9 KPMG: Game of business
Week 10 Learning Reflection 1 Feedback and Topic 6: Failure, empathy and resilience
Week 11 Topic 7 Managing your life
Week 12 Topic 8 Creating your future
*order and content can be subject to change, up to date details are posted on Brightspace