Learning Outcomes:
On completion of the module students will:
• Realise the current limits of our understanding in biology
• Articulate the full implications of naturalism – the view that physical reality is all that there is
• Be able to appreciate the arguments used to support these views even when they disagree
Indicative Module Content:
1. What is Biology
History of thought, Aristotle, Darwin, vitalism
2. What is Reality
Physicalism, emergence, evolution, reality, abstract objects, simulation VR
3. What is Life
Viruses, origins, aliens, DNA and RNA worlds
4. What is Consciousness
Subjective from objective, thoughts, introspection, bats, Mary’s Room, AI
5. What is Morality
Objective from subjective, other species
6. What is Free Will
Deterministic Vs stochastic nature, causes and effects, Libet experiment