Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this course you should be able to :
• Understand the EU Green Deal concepts and EU directives relevant to crop production and disease control
• Contrast and appraise disease control strategies.
• Apply DNA, protein and metabolome technology to plant disease studies.
• Understand the concepts of disease resistance breeding.
• Understand the principles underpinning genetic engineering of crops and the application of this technology to disease control.
Indicative Module Content:
In this module, you will develop a portfolio based on this disease on key topics (see below, from weeks 2-6) and this portfolio will be examined in week 8 as an in-class exam question.
With a focus on case study diseases, the course will overview
o the diseases, their disease cycles and the current control strategies
o pathogen diagnostics
o the importance of pathogen and host genetic diversity studies for disease control
o Breeding for disease resistance
o Genetic engineering
o Biological disease control
o Future trends in disease control
We will also review the emerging threats and opportunities in Plant Pathology and Biotechnology.
Each Tuesday there will be an online lecture from 9-11. On Thursdays, we will have virtual/real classroom tutorials, the aim of which is to discuss papers on the topics and guide you in the preparation of your portfolio.
As part of the course, you will produce a portfolio on which you will be assessed in week 8. This counts as 40% of your final grade. This assessment will comprise an essay exam question on a specific component of your portfolio. 60% will be based on the final written exam.