Learning Outcomes:
Students are expected to achieve the following competence:
1. Using properties of series to judge its convergence
2. Convergence Tests with respect to series with constant positive terms
3. Alternating series Test
4. Absolute convergence and Ratio Test and Root Test
5. Power series
6. Taylor series and its applications in estimations
7. Fourier series and its convergence
8. Planes and lines in Space
9. Functions with two independent variables and Surfaces (cylinders\cones\quadric surfaces\surfaces of revolution)
10. Space curves
Indicative Module Content:
week 1. Properties of series and its convergence
week 2. Convergence Tests with respect to series with constant positive terms
week 3. Alternating series Test/ Absolute convergence and Ratio Test and Root Test
week 4. Power series
week 5 Taylor series and its applications in estimations
week 6. Fourier series and its convergence
week 7. Planes and lines in Space
week 8. Functions with two independent variables and Surfaces (cylinders\cones\quadric surfaces\surfaces of revolution)\
Space curves