Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module, the student should be able to:1. Understand the theoretical and conceptual basis for conservation and be familiar with the terminology of the discipline.2. Reflect on how Irish towns and landscapes have evolved3.Understand the legal basis for protection of the built environment on a national and international basis with reference to primary international charters.4. Describe the resources available from state and non-governmental agencies for conservation5.Discuss the conservation plan process and its relevance and application in Ireland.
Indicative Module Content:
1. Historic Urban Landscape; An Introduction
2. Urban Morphology and Urban Conservation
3. Conservation Meanings & Terminology
4. Historical Development of Conservation
5. Legislation: Monuments& Planning Acts
6. Historic Landscape Conservation
7. The Protected Structure
8. Conservation & Ecology
9. Conservation Plans
10. Architectural Conservation Areas
11. International Legislation & World Heritage Sites
12. Contemporary Case Studies