Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of:
1. Demonstrate an appreciation of the physical principles of the visible, infrared and microwave section of the electromagnetic spectrum.
2. Comprehend the principles of operation of the main passive and active remote sensing techniques currently in use.
3. Propose suitable applications of remote sensing platforms or datasets for environmental monitoring.
4. Experiment with digital processing and analysis techniques using airborne and spaceborne data (e.g. lidar; multispectral data)
5. Understand the key role of remote sensing in heritage-themed research
Indicative Module Content:
Mapping and projections; Introduction to GIS; The electromagnetic spectrum; satellites and sensors; working with satellite data; true colour and false colour composites; band ratios; aerial photography; lidar introduction; processing and visualizing lidar data; sonar data; working with drones/UAV; photogrammetry