Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module students should have the following:
1. Factual knowledge.
Students should know the history of architecture in Europe through the middle ages; they should be able to identify buildings and work out their dates based on a knowledge of style; they should know where the Irish material fits within that European history; they should know why certain buildings are so important.
2. An ability to describe architecture.
There is a technical language of architectural description, and students should possess the basic vocabulary, and be able - in their individual projects - deploy that language.
3. A mastery of concepts.
Architectural History, regardless of period, is a discipline that crosses the boundaries between Archaeology, History, and Art History, but also Philosophy. Constructs that are used in Architectural History such as Romanesque and Gothic, or even terms such as 'castle', are much debated, and students should, at the end of the module, understand why there are debates about such terms and ideas, and should also be able to recognise how those debates parallel other debates in the other disciplines.
4. An appreciation of buildings.
Our architectural heritage from the middle ages is a source of great joy if one is able to understand it, rather than merely be impressed by it. 'Appreciation' in Architectural History, as in Art History, connotes a deep and enriching understanding of a work. At the end of this module, students should be able to communicate an appreciation of a significant number of great European - and Irish - masterpieces.
Indicative Module Content:
1. What is 'style' when applied to architecture?
2. What is the basic, working, vocabulary of Architectural History?
3. What approaches have scholars taken to the study of medieval buildings?
4. What is the relationship between form and function in medieval architecture?
5. How did church architecture develop, from its beginnings in the fourth century to the Reformation?
6. When and where did castles first appear?
7. How did castle architecture develop from the late first millennium?
8. How does Irish architectural history relate to English architectural history and European architectural history?