Learning Outcomes:
1. Develop a well-structured research design to be implemented in a research project
2. Organise, attribute, critique & evaluate primary and secondary information to critically assess the viability of the proposed project
3. Communicate a research idea to an audience
Indicative Module Content:
This is indicative only - please refer to the syllabus and Brightspace for the most up-to-date information.
Weeks 1 to 9 consist of 2 sessions of an hour every week. In each week, the sessions will focus one aspect that is key to the proposal development. Week 10 to 12 are designed to allow the time and space to develop the project. A brief overall of the schedule is provided below.
WEEK 1 Session 1 and 2: The spark – Introduction & discussion of potential topics
WEEK 2 Session 3 and 4: The why – Ideas, framing research questions, considering the answer
WEEK 3 Session 5 and 6: The how – Methodology & methodology
WEEK 4 Session 7 and 8: The what and the when – Practicalities, Time, Information & Data
WEEK 5 Session 9 and 10: Accepting critique as a gift! SWOT analysis and peer review 1
WEEK 6 Session 11 and 12: Care and Caution: Research Ethics & Risk
WEEK 7 Session 13 and 14: Proposal Presentations (timing may vary depending on class size and timetable)
WEEK 8 Study Week
WEEK 9 Session 15 and 16: Another Gift! SWOT analysis and peer review 2
WEEK 10-12 These weeks have been reserved to give flexible space to class supported and proposal development