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Academic Year 2022/2023

Anatomy for Sports Science I (ANAT10130)

Human Anatomy
Health & Agricultural Sciences
1 (Introductory)
Module Coordinator:
Dr Thomas Campbell
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Mode of Delivery:
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Invalid Option This module will provide the student with a comprehensive knowledge of normal and variant anatomy of upper and lower limbs relevant to the practice of Health and Performance Science. Bones, joints and muscles of the limbs will be covered in detail and related to relevant sports injuries. Clinically relevant neurovascular anatomy will also be described in depth. Important surface anatomy will be introduced. This is a core module in the BSc degree of Health and Performance Science.

About this Module

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of the module the student should be able to: explain the classification of bones and joints, describe the regional anatomy of the shoulder and upper limb and describe the structure of hip and lower limb. The student should also be able to correctly identify anatomical features in prosections or osteological specimens as well as understand the surface anatomy of the limbs. The student should be able to apply their knowledge of anatomy to relevant clinical scenarios in sports medicine.

Indicative Module Content:

In accordance with university policy, lectures and practicals will be offered in a face-to-face format wherever possible. University policy may change to reflect updated public health advice. Should any changes in policy occur, the module coordinator will communicate directly with students via email to explain any changes in the module.

Upper Limb Lectures:
- Introduction to Anatomical Terminology & Osteology
- Bones, ligaments and joints of pectoral girdle (inc. arm)
- Bones, ligaments and joints of forearm (inc. elbow)
- Bones, ligaments and joints of hand (inc. wrist)
- Musculo-neuro-vascular systems of pectoral and dorsal regions
- Axilla and breast
- Musculo-neuro-vascular systems of arm, (inc rotator cuff & glenohumeral joint)
- Musculo-neuro-vascular systems of anterior compartment of forearm (inc. cubital fossa)
- Musculo-neuro-vascular systems of posterior compartment of forearm (inc radial fossa)
- Musculo-neuro-vascular systems of the hand (inc. carpal tunnel)

Lower Limb Lectures:
- Bones, ligaments and joints of pelvic girdle (inc. thigh)
- Bones, ligaments and joints of leg (inc. knee and ankle)
- Bones, ligaments and joints of foot (inc. arches)
- Musculo-neuro-vascular systems of gluteal region (hip and buttock)
- Musculo-neuro-vascular systems of Anterior & Posterior Thigh Compartments
- Musculo-neuro-vascular systems of Medial Thigh Compartment (inc. femoral triangle & adductor canal)
- Musculo-neuro-vascular systems of anterior and posterior compartments of leg (inc. popliteal fossa)
- Musculo-neuro-vascular systems of Lateral leg & Foot

Limb Innervation Lecture
- Brachial & Lumbosacral Plexuses

Revision Lectures: (pre-recorded online lectures, made available to students near end of term to be utilised as a study tool at each students' discretion)
- Review of Upper & Lower Limb (Vasculature)
- Review of Upper and Lower Limb (Musculoskeletal)

- Practical 1 - Osteology of the Upper Limb (Face-to-face)
- Practical 2 - Joints of the Upper Limb (Face-to-face)
- Practical 3 - Musculo-neurovascular structures of the upper limb (Online video practical)
- Practical 4 - Osteology of the Lower Limb (Face-to-face)
- Practical 5 - Joints of the Lower Limb (Face-to-face)
- Practical 6 - Musculo-neurovascular structures of the lower limb (Online video practical)

Student Effort Hours:
Student Effort Type Hours




Autonomous Student Learning




Approaches to Teaching and Learning:
- Attendance at lectures & practicals
- Completion of prescribed online learning material
- Lecture slides and practical guidelines are available ahead of time and can serve as a study guideline
- Students should carefully study chapters 1, 3 & 7 of the recommended textbook (Moore’s Essential Clinical Anatomy 6th Edition)
- Students should make use of an anatomy atlas (such as 6th Edition of Atlas of Human Anatomy by Frank Netter) during their study
- Students should indicate any topics of the course that they would like revised in the revision lectures which take place late in the lecture series

Requirements, Exclusions and Recommendations
Learning Recommendations:

A background in Biology is an advantage

Module Requisites and Incompatibles
ANAT10110 - Clinical Human Anatomy I, ANAT20060 - Locomotor Biology, ANAT20080 - Musculoskeletal Biology, ANAT20120 - Human Form, SMGT10210 - Appl Biology of Sport and Ex

Additional Information:
Students of Medicine, Radiography, Physiotherapy or Biomedical Health and Life Science are not permitted to register for this module irrespective of stage.


Assessment Strategy Invalid Option
Description Timing Open Book Exam Component Scale Must Pass Component % of Final Grade In Module Component Repeat Offered
Examination: Extended MCQ. Closed book examination. This exam will take place in-person at a UCD exam center (e.g. RDS). 1 hour End of Trimester Exam No Alternative linear conversion grade scale 40% No
Practical Examination: Extended MCQ. Closed book examination. This examination will take place as an in-person spotter-style examination. Varies over the Trimester n/a Alternative linear conversion grade scale 40% No

Carry forward of passed components Invalid Option

Resit In Terminal Exam
Spring Yes - 1 Hour
Please see Student Jargon Buster for more information about remediation types and timing. 

Feedback Strategy/Strategies

• Feedback individually to students, post-assessment
• Group/class feedback, post-assessment

How will my Feedback be Delivered?

Group feedback will automatically be provided to the class group. Individual feedback (if requested) is provided primarily by email but may also take place in a prearranged one-to-one meeting subject to the availability of the marking examiner. Feedback is usually available from within 20 working days of the examination.

Moore's Essential Clinical Anatomy (6th Ed.) by Anne M.R. Agur & Arthur F. Dalley

Chapter 1: Overview and Basic Concepts (p1-44)
Chapter 3: Upper Limb (p91-182)
Chapter 7: Lower Limb (p409-498)

Name Role
Professor James Jones Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Dr Stephen Thorpe Lecturer / Co-Lecturer