Learning Outcomes:
Solve Maxwell's equations under a number of conditions including plane waves and radiation from bounded sources.
Master the relativistic formulation of Maxwell's equation.
Explain the concept of a gauge theory, in terms of continuous symmetries of fundamental interacting fields.
Applications include:
Interaction of electromagnetic waves with matter (radiation pressure, energy flux, linear/angular momentum conservation, charge conservation).
Lorentz transformations of electromagnetic fields between observers in relative motion: infinitesimal generators (boosts and rotations) in the 4x4 matrix representation, and exponential map.
Lorentz invariants and Doppler effect.
Parabolic Lorentz transformations.
Electromagnetic field due to a continuous distribution of charges and currents.
Action principles for the electromagnetic field.
Gauge theories for electromagnetic field coupled with complex scalar fields.
Interaction with the wavefunction of a quantum non-relativistic particle.
The double-slit experiment for electron diffraction and the Aharonov-Bohm effect.