Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module students should be able to:
1. Understand and apply the principles of cost accounting to inventory valuation and profit measurement.
2. Appreciate the role of Cost Management in improving an organization's activities and processes.
3. Appreciate the role of Cost Management in helping organiszations meet their strategic goals.
4. Apply Cost Management techniques in a variety of business organizations.
5. Critically evaluate current issues in Cost Management.
Indicative Module Content:
Cost Management can be defined as the information set that managers need in decision making to ensure that the firm is successful. It includes both financial information about costs and revenues but also relevant non-financial information about quality, customer satisfaction and other critical success factors. Cost Management recognises that costs do not just happen they are caused. Topics covered include the strategic role of Cost Management systems, cost accumulation systems, Cost Management techniques such as activity based costing, customer profitability analysis, cost of quality reporting, target costing, life-cycle costing and bench-marking. The course also includes research findings on Cost-Management systems.