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Operations Excellence  (T366)

ProfDip (NFQ Level 9) · Academic Year 2024/2025
School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Graduate Taught
NFQ Level
Professional Diploma
Mode of Delivery
Programme Director
Dr Vincent Hargaden
Overall Programme Credits:
Programme Credits:
Stage 1
Core/Option: 20 Electives: 0
Major/Minor Core & Option Credits:
Stage 1: 20

Curricular information is subject to change.

For more information on this programme, see: Prof Dip Operations Excellence.

Designed for professionals in the manufacturing or engineering services sectors, with at least three years of industry experience and a background in engineering, technology, science or mathematics, this two semester part-time professional diploma provides individuals with the in-depth knowledge and ability to apply the tools of continuous quality improvement in a range of sectors, whether private, public or semi-state.

The part-time and blended delivery structure of the programme allows participants continue in employment while undertaking their studies. As a result, the nature of the learning environment is highly collaborative and experiential, meaning students are able to quickly apply their newly acquired skills in a live working environment and to have the opportunity to reflect on this in the classroom.

Through the discussion based classroom environment, there is a high degree of learning from peers across different industry sectors and organisation types. We seek to develop an active learning approach through lectures, seminars, workshops and projects. There is extensive use of case studies and business simulations. There is a strong orientation towards team work and collaborative industry based research assignments. 

The learning outcomes are as follows:

  • familiarity with and knowledge of operations excellence, encompassing decision analysis, quality management (lean and six sigma), engineering operations management and process design, across a wide range of industrial sectors;
  • ability to synthesise technical and management knowledge in the design, implementation and improvement of complex engineering systems;
  • ability to apply decision analysis, scientific problem solving, inductive and deductive reasoning skills in both quantitative and qualitative contexts;
  • ability to communicate effectively to enable effective decision making in engineering operations and
  • ability to learn independently by assessing academic and practitioner research related to operations excellence.

Operations Excellence (OE) provides individuals with the skills and competencies to undertake a broad range of improvement initiatives in their organisations, which creates competitive advantage by focusing on the operational activities where it can outperform its competitors.

Students will develop their knowledge and skills in the area of operations excellence with application in engineering and technology firms, from small medium enterprises to global multinational organisations. 

Stage 1

The Professional Diploma in Operations Excellence is a Level 9 Professional Diploma comprising 20-credits of Core Modules.

Below is a list of all modules offered for this degree in the current academic year. Click on the module to discover what you will learn in the module, how you will learn and assessment feedback profile amongst other information.

Incoming Stage 1 undergraduates can usually select an Elective in the Spring Trimester. Most continuing undergraduate students can select up to two Elective modules (10 Credits) per stage. There is also the possibility to take up to 10 extra Elective credits.

Module Type Module   Trimester Credits
Stage 1 Core Modules
MEEN40260 Eng. Operations Management Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
MEEN40360 Decision Analysis Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
MEEN40270 Quality Management Spring  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
MEEN40300 Business System Design Spring  5

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See the UCD Assessment website for further details

Module Weighting Info
  Award GPA
Programme Module Weightings Rule Description Description >= <=
PDENA001 Stage 1 - 100.00%
Pass/Merit/Distinction Pass







