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Computer Science with Data Science  (CSSC)

BSc (NFQ Level 8) · Academic Year 2024/2025
School of Computer Science
Full Time
NFQ Level
Bachelor of Science
Mode of Delivery
On Campus
Programme Director
Assoc Professor Mel Ó Cinnéide
Overall Programme Credits:
Programme Credits:
Stage 3
Core/Option: 50 Electives: 10
Stage 4
Core/Option: 60 Electives: 0
Major/Minor Core & Option Credits:
Stage 3: 50
Stage 4: 60

Curricular information is subject to change.

If you have an interest in technology and trends, this degree subject could be for you. At its core, data science is about extracting insights from data that can transform the way a company operates. For example, understanding data can match millions of businesses with new customers around the world in the areas of advertising and e-commerce. Mining large-scale data sets based on our health can inform pharmaceutical companies when choosing new medicines to develop and capturing data streams from wearable devices can improve our understanding of our habits and routines. Agri-food, energy, transport, government and education are all examples of industries on the verge of being transformed by the power of data-driven methods.

This Programme is aimed at students who wish to develop a career or pursue further studies in Computer Science and Data Science. We value and therefore encourage our students to be active, motivated, autonomous learners who have a critical and reflective approach to Computer Science and Data Science. We aim to provide a learning environment that will encourage students to learn and practice skills in Computer Science and data analytics, individually and as part of teams. Practicals, tutorials and assignments are key elements of the design of the Programme. As part of this approach to learning, the Programme uses teaching, learning and assessment approaches such as tutorials, practicals, assignments and individual and team projects, as well as traditional lectures, in the design and delivery of the curriculum.

1 - Demonstrate understanding of specific bodies of knowledge within the disciplines of Computer Science and Data Science relating to the manipulation and preprocessing of large volumes of data and the statistical analysis of data.
2 - Develop new insights from the analysis of data.
3 - Have a broad awareness of related bodies of knowledge in Computer Science outside data analytics for example, computer networks, information security and software engineering.
4 - Make use of the insights and findings of research in Computer Science to inform their understanding of the field and how they operate within it.
5 - Work with established statistical and engineering methods in analysing data.
6 - Present their work in a public forum and communicate it to technical and non-technical audiences.
7 - Work as an individual and as a team member.
8 - Learn to work at varying scales and with projects of increasing complexity.
9 - Apply lessons learned in lectures, tutorials and practicals to develop the practice of "learning by doing", made evident in their assignments and project work and problem-solving strategies.
10 - Implement computer programs in a variety of programming languages and analyse and reason about these programs.
11 - Demonstrate awareness of issues (technical, financial, societal and ethical) in the areas of Computer Science and Data Analytics.

Students’ performance will be reviewed at the end of the academic year. Students who fail 50% or more of their registered modules, and who fail to progress to the next stage of their programme, will be identified under the UCD Continuation – Academic progress policy. Students’ performance will continue to be reviewed in subsequent trimesters and students will be invited to meetings with the College of Science office for support and guidance.

Where the rate of progression and performance over two academic years is deemed unacceptable, a case will be submitted to the Governing Board for review. A recommendation for discontinuation may be the outcome of this review.

As Stages 3 and 4 have the most dynamic components of the programme, and the material studied previously may no longer be relevant, a student who has been away from the programme for a significant period should be required to register again to Stage 3. The upper limit for completion of Stages 3 and 4 should be six years if they choose to do 120 credits with 20 in each year.

It is possible to study abroad for a trimester, usually in the third year of the course. Universities that students have visited to date include the University of Auckland, New Zealand, the University of California, Irvine, USA, and Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

Graduates with training in Computer Science with Data Science work in fields such as:
• Banking and Financial Services
• Consultancy (e.g. Accenture, Deloitte, PwC)
• Internet companies such as Google, PayPal and Meta
• Established ICT companies such as IBM, Microsoft and Intel
• ICT Start-ups

Graduates can also pursue a range of MSc or PhD programmes such as the MSc Computer Science (Negotiated Learning).

Associate Professor Mel Ó Cinnéide
UCD School of Computer Science

Stage 3

Students take seven core modules, and one 15-credit option module from List A. Student must take a further 10 credits, selecting from option modules on List B, or elective modules.

Stage 4

Students take 6 core modules (40 credits) and 4 Option modules (20 credits).

Below is a list of all modules offered for this degree in the current academic year. Click on the module to discover what you will learn in the module, how you will learn and assessment feedback profile amongst other information.

Incoming Stage 1 undergraduates can usually select an Elective in the Spring Trimester. Most continuing undergraduate students can select up to two Elective modules (10 Credits) per stage. There is also the possibility to take up to 10 extra Elective credits.

Module Type Module   Trimester Credits
Stage 3 Core Modules
COMP30030 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Autumn  5
Stage 3 Core Modules
COMP30760 Data Science in Python - DS Autumn  5
Stage 3 Core Modules
COMP30940 Information Security Autumn  5
Stage 3 Core Modules
STAT20200 Probability Autumn  5
Stage 3 Core Modules
COMP30750 Information Visualisation -DS Spring  5
Stage 3 Core Modules
COMP30770 Programming for Big Data Spring  5
Stage 3 Core Modules
COMP30850 Network Analysis Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - A)1 of:
All students should select COMP30780 at the start of the academic year. Students who wish to apply for the Industry Internship module and are successfully placed on an internship will be manually registered by the School Office to COMP30790 and subsequently dropped from COMP30780. Further information is available at: http://www.ucd.ie/science/careers/internships/students/
COMP30790 Industry internship 2 Trimester duration (Spr-Sum)  15
Stage 3 Options - A)1 of:
All students should select COMP30780 at the start of the academic year. Students who wish to apply for the Industry Internship module and are successfully placed on an internship will be manually registered by the School Office to COMP30790 and subsequently dropped from COMP30780. Further information is available at: http://www.ucd.ie/science/careers/internships/students/
COMP30780 Data Science in Practice Spring  15
Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
Students may register to 10 elective credits or select additional option module(s) from the list below in order to fulfil their stage requirements.
COMP30010 Foundations of Computing Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
Students may register to 10 elective credits or select additional option module(s) from the list below in order to fulfil their stage requirements.
COMP30230 Connectionist Computing Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
Students may register to 10 elective credits or select additional option module(s) from the list below in order to fulfil their stage requirements.
COMP30250 Parallel Computing Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
Students may register to 10 elective credits or select additional option module(s) from the list below in order to fulfil their stage requirements.
COMP30960 Human Computer Interaction Autumn  5
Stage 4 Core Modules
COMP30170 Computer Science Project 2 Trimester duration (Aut-Spr)  15
Stage 4 Core Modules
COMP30520 Cloud Computing (UG) Autumn  5
Stage 4 Core Modules
COMP40370 Data Mining Autumn  5
Stage 4 Core Modules
COMP47490 Machine Learning (UG) Autumn  5
Stage 4 Core Modules
COMP30930 Optimisation Spring  5
Stage 4 Core Modules
COMP47580 Recommender Systems & Collective Intelligence Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students must select 4 option modules from the list below.
COMP30230 Connectionist Computing Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students must select 4 option modules from the list below.
COMP30250 Parallel Computing Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students must select 4 option modules from the list below.
COMP30690 Information Theory Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students must select 4 option modules from the list below.
COMP41400 Multi-Agent Systems Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students must select 4 option modules from the list below.
COMP41740 Human-Centred AI Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students must select 4 option modules from the list below.
SCI30080 Professional Placement-Science Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students must select 4 option modules from the list below.
COMP30110 Spatial Information Systems Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students must select 4 option modules from the list below.
COMP30220 Distributed Systems Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students must select 4 option modules from the list below.
COMP30540 Game Development Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students must select 4 option modules from the list below.
COMP40660 Advances in Wireless Networking Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students must select 4 option modules from the list below.
COMP47480 Contemporary Software Development Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students must select 4 option modules from the list below.
COMP47590 Advanced Machine Learning Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students must select 4 option modules from the list below.
COMP47650 Deep Learning Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students must select 4 option modules from the list below.
COMP47700 Speech and Audio Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students must select 4 option modules from the list below.
COMP47980 Generative AI: Language Models Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students must select 4 option modules from the list below.
IS30370 Digital Media Ethics (formerly Information Ethics) Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students must select 4 option modules from the list below.
MATH30250 Cryptography: Theory & Practice Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students must select 4 option modules from the list below.
STAT30280 Inference for Data Analytics (online) Spring  5

See the UCD Assessment website for further details

Module Weighting Info
  Award GPA
Programme Module Weightings Rule Description Description >= <=
BHSCI014 Stage 4 - 70.00%
Stage 3 - 30.00%
Standard Honours Award First Class Honours



Second Class Honours, Grade 1



Second Class Honours, Grade 2






BHSCI014 Stage 4 - 70.00%
Stage 3 - 30.00%
Standard Honours Award First Class Honours



Second Class Honours, Grade 1



Second Class Honours, Grade 2




