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Classics, English & History  (CAS2)

BA (NFQ Level 8) · Academic Year 2022/2023
School of History
Full Time
NFQ Level
Bachelor of Arts
Mode of Delivery
On Campus
Programme Director
Dr Edward Coleman
Overall Programme Credits:
Programme Credits:
Stage 1
Core/Option: 55 Electives: 5
Stage 2
Core/Option: 50 Electives: 10
Stage 3
Core/Option: 50 Electives: 10
Stage 4
Core/Option: 50 Electives: 10
Major/Minor Core & Option Credits:
Stage 1: 55
Stage 2: 50
Stage 3: 50
Stage 4: 50

Curricular information is subject to change.

The BA Humanities is an innovative, interdisciplinary four-year programme that combines multiple subjects to provide coherence and depth to student learning within nine carefully structured pathways. Taught by expert academics in the Arts and Humanities, the BA Humanities programme offers both intensive training in particular disciplines and unique skill sets that are developed by bringing together subjects that and relate closely to each other. Students will gain essential life and employment skills, including critical, analytical and creative thinking, and expert communications, while learning how to be adaptable and flexible in preparation for employment in a dynamic work environment.

The Classics, English and History pathway will bring students to the heart of vital questions about society, history and culture as they explore a wide variety of texts from classical antiquity to the modern age. It will provide the opportunity to develop a deep understanding of human experience in Europe and its associated cultures from earliest times to the present day and explore issues of memory, truth and understanding that have fascinated people at all times and in all places. A strong focus on the fluent articulation and analysis of ideas means students on this pathway will gain the cultural capital and transferable skills most valued by employers, whether in the private commercial, arts and heritage, or public sector.

This programme provides students with an in-depth grounding in three cognate subject areas: Classics, English, and History. Students who take this course will benefit from cross-disciplinary study of literature, history, and culture from antiquity to the present day. The first three years of the programme focus on training and building expertise and skills in the three disciplinary areas. In English students will learn the skills of close readings and textual analysis in different genres, in History they will study the working methods of historians in Ireland and the world from the fall of Rome to the modern period, and in Classics they will use literary and historical analysis along with the evidence of art and archaeology to reconstruct the lost worlds of the Greek and Roman past. It is expected that on completion of the third year students will have accumulated 45 credits in each subject area. Interdisciplinarity will be emphasized in Stage 3, with a core seminar on a key theme (e.g. writing lives, the idea of Europe, rhetoric, disasters, revolution and rebellion). The focus of the final year will be the dissertation, work placement or study abroad exchange. It is envisioned that the use of programme electives will enable students to graduate with the necessary 60 credits to satisfy Teaching Council requirements for all three subjects.

1 - Use skills of inquiry, research, critical thinking, and problem solving to pursue and evaluate knowledge.
2 - Challenge assumptions and develop creative solutions to problems including through the independent pursuit of knowledge and making connections between different disciplinary approaches and methods.
3 - Demonstrate effective communication, digital expertise, collaboration and leadership skills to convert decisions and commitments into action.
4 - Understand the ethical implications of ideas, communications, and actions including demonstrated awareness of the historical and cultural construction of knowledge systems and traditions
5 - Understand the relevance and contribution of the Humanities to contemporary society and cultural practice including an ability to articulate the links between past and present as well as the influence of the past on shaping community and societal structures and beliefs.
6 - Articulate advocacy of human, social and cultural values with a propensity towards and awareness of the value of life-long learning, an understanding of how to learn, including an appreciation of the complexity of ideas, of societies, cultures and language.

History is obviously an enormous subject - which is why some students choose to study it as a single subject. The range of modules takes you from the fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of barbarian kingdoms to the impact of US foreign policy in the 20th century.

It is not essential to have studied History to Leaving Certificate. If you read widely and have a good interest in general knowledge, your overall examination performance in English, for example, will offer a fair guide to your aptitude for history. See subject description for History.

In your first year (called Stage 1) you take 12 modules over two semesters. You must study core modules in History and typically two or three other subjects including up to two modules from outside the BA Programme area.

Stage 2 students progress with a major in History. Students also take four elective modules from within or outside their main subject area at Stages 2 and 3 of their degree programme.

In Stage 1 you will be introduced to a range of modules focusing on European and Irish history across a period of almost 2,000 years.

In Stage 2 you will take six core (compulsory) modules and choose from a range of optional modules spanning the Rise of the Asian Tigers, 20th Century Italy, The Age of Mohammed, and a variety of Irish periods including the Vikings, the Normans, Cromwell and the Stuarts, Irish Emigration and the Celtic Literary Revival.

Stage 2 also includes a dissertation in an area of interest to you. You will be shown how to plan a research strategy, how to find primary materials and how to write a major (10,000 word) research dissertation. Completing a substantial piece of primary research is both a challenge and a reward.

Opportunities currently include:

  • University of Vienna, Austria
  • Université de Rouen, France
  • Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany
  • University of Pisa, Italy
  • University of Bergen, Norway
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
  • University of New South Wales, Australia
  • A strong focus on the fluent articulation and analysis of ideas means students on this course will gain numerous transferrable skills, highly valued by employers. 

    This programme prepares students for graduate study in many areas, including: Classics, English, History, Film, Drama, Media Studies, Cultural Studies, Education, Archives.

    Graduates can find employment in:

    • Broadcasting and Journalism
    • Business
    • Civil Service
    • Law
    • Publishing
    • Public Relations
    • Politics
    • Research
    • Teaching
    • Marketing
    • Policymaking
    • Tourism
    • Heritage

    Graduates are also eligible to apply for UCD MA programmes in History, which include specialisms in Irish, European, International and Medieval History, Public History and History of Medicine.

    UCD Arts & Humanities Programme Office,
    Newman Building,
    Dublin 4
    Tel: +353 1 716 8321/8102

    Web: www.ucd.ie/ahss

    Stage 1

    Students are pre-registered to 10 core modules (50 credits). Students should then choose 1 option module (5 credits) and 1 elective module (5 credits).
    It is recommended that students spread their credit workload evenly between Trimester 1 and Trimester 2.

    Stage 2

    Students take 4 core modules (20 credits) consisting of one module from each of the pathway subjects and one BA Humanities skills module. Students should also choose 6 optional modules (30 credits), and may take 2 elective modules (10 credits) or 1 elective plus HUM20030.

    Stage 3

    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select at least 15 credits in each pathway subject. In the case of History and English this means one 10-credit module plus one 5-credit module. For Classics this means three 5-credit modules. Students should also choose one module from the additional options list of non-pathway modules and may also take two electives. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects for one trimester, to total 25 credits.

    Stage 4

    All students take a core module (10 credits). Students can choose to take a 20 credit dissertation option (which comprises a 5 credit research skills module in either English or History AND a 15 credit dissertation) plus 20 credits of taught option modules, or simply 40 credits of taught option modules. Students must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. In the case of English and History, this means one 10-credit module; in the case of Classics, this means two 5-credit modules. Students may take two elective modules (10 credits).

    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)

    Below is a list of all modules offered for this degree in the current academic year. Click on the module to discover what you will learn in the module, how you will learn and assessment feedback profile amongst other information.

    Incoming Stage 1 undergraduates can usually select an Elective in the Spring Trimester. Most continuing undergraduate students can select up to two Elective modules (10 Credits) per stage. There is also the possibility to take up to 10 extra Elective credits.

    Module Type Module   Trimester Credits
    Stage 1 Core Modules
    CEH10010 Interpreting Evidence Autumn  5
    Stage 1 Core Modules
    ENG10230 Reading World Literature Autumn  5
    Stage 1 Core Modules
    GRC10190 War and the Hero: The Epics of Homer and Virgil Autumn  5
    Stage 1 Core Modules
    HIS10070 The Making of Modern Europe: 1500-2000 Autumn  5
    Stage 1 Core Modules
    HIS10320 The Making of Modern Ireland, 1800-2000 Autumn  5
    Stage 1 Core Modules
    ENG10030 Literary Genre: the Art of Criticism and the Craft of Writing Spring  5
    Stage 1 Core Modules
    ENG10220 Literature and Crisis Spring  5
    Stage 1 Core Modules
    GRC10180 The Age of Augustus Spring  5
    Stage 1 Core Modules
    GRC10200 Classical Greece Spring  5
    Stage 1 Core Modules
    HIS10080 Rome to Renaissance Spring  5
    Stage 1 Options - A) Min 1 of:
    Choose one option module from this list in trimester 1 (Autumn). You may also choose a further module in trimester 2 (Spring) if you do not wish to take an elective module.
    ENG10130 Contemporary Irish Writing Autumn  5
    Stage 1 Options - A) Min 1 of:
    Choose one option module from this list in trimester 1 (Autumn). You may also choose a further module in trimester 2 (Spring) if you do not wish to take an elective module.
    GRC10170 Lost Cities of the Ancient World Autumn  5
    Stage 1 Options - A) Min 1 of:
    Choose one option module from this list in trimester 1 (Autumn). You may also choose a further module in trimester 2 (Spring) if you do not wish to take an elective module.
    HIS10440 The United States, 1776-1991 Autumn  5
    Stage 1 Options - A) Min 1 of:
    Choose one option module from this list in trimester 1 (Autumn). You may also choose a further module in trimester 2 (Spring) if you do not wish to take an elective module.
    GRC10140 Classical Myth: An Introduction Spring  5
    Stage 1 Options - A) Min 1 of:
    Choose one option module from this list in trimester 1 (Autumn). You may also choose a further module in trimester 2 (Spring) if you do not wish to take an elective module.
    HIS10310 Ireland's English Centuries Spring  5
    Stage 2 Core Modules
    ENG20450 Writing and Performance in the Age of Shakespeare: Renaissance Literature Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Core Modules
    GRC20220 Greeks, Romans, and Barbarians Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Core Modules
    HIS21140 History Today Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Core Modules
    HUM20040 Primary Source Research in the Humanities A: Exploring UCD Cultural Heritage Collections Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    ENG20230 Reading Old English I Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    ENG20250 Modern Drama: From Naturalism to Postmodernism Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    ENG20440 Reading the story of Ireland: Irish Literature in English Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    GRC20010 Alexander and his Successors Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    GRC20230 Heracles the Hero Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    GRC20290 The Comedies of Aristophanes Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    HIS20460 Islam and Christianity in the Middle Ages Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    HIS20950 European Statecraft, Strategy & Culture, c. 1470-c.1770: Personalities & Power Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    HIS20960 Living Loving & Dying in 19th Century Ireland Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    HIS21320 Sport and the modern world Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    ENG20410 Reading Medieval Literature Spring  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    ENG20430 Modern American Literature Spring  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    ENG20460 From Victorian to Modern Literature, 1830-1914 Spring  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    ENG20490 Romanticism Spring  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    GRC20030 Early Roman Empire Spring  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    GRC20240 Piracy in World History Spring  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    GRC20270 The Athenian Empire Spring  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    HIS20820 Nazi Germany Spring  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    HIS21120 Northern Ireland, 1920-2010: from partition to Paisley Spring  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    HIS21170 The Making of the Middle East Spring  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    HIS21240 Celts, Romans and Vikings: The Formation of Early Ireland Spring  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    HIS21260 From the Goldmines to Trump: A global history of nativism and anti-immigration since the mid-19th c. Spring  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 6 of:
    Choose 6 option modules from the list below.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    HIS21330 Global Asia Spring  5
    Stage 2 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    This a College of Arts and Humanities module, it is the equivalent of an elective. You can take it instead of taking one of your Stage 2 electives. Please make sure that you have selected the correct number of programme options from the list above. This is not one of your required options. It is recommended in particular if you are considering applying for an internship option next year.
    HUM20030 Career Readiness (Humanities) Spring  5
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS31280 Rise, Fall, Rise of Modern Japan Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS31320 The Irish Revolution, 1910-1923 Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS31500 Past, Present and Future in Medieval England Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS31850 Contested Histories in Australia Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32430 Florence 1200 - 1400 Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32620 US Pivots To Asia, 1890s-1950s Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32720 Frontiers of Empire Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32730 The Digital Humanities Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32860 Jonathan Swift and Ireland Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32950 Weimar Germany Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32970 The 1641 Rebellion Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32980 Britain's War Northern Ireland Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS31900 Roads to Heaven & Hell Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32710 Manufacturing Truth in the Modern World Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32850 Settler colonialism Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS31310 Madness and Civilisation Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS31400 British Atlantic History, 1607-1776 Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS31760 Irish Foreign Policy, 1919-73: A Place Among the Nations Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32230 Biography and History Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32330 A History of Decadence: Sex, Spectacle and Corruption in Eighteenth-Century Venice Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32350 Alcohol, Drugs & Society Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32440 Florence 1400-1530 Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32650 Migration Nation: The Irish Migration Experience since 1945 Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32660 Conservative Political Activism in the United States, 1960-1980 Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32800 History from below: Rural life in the middle ages Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32870 Spectacle and the modern world Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32920 Britain in the Islamic World: Themes of empire, religion, and resistance 1800-1950 Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32940 Devolution, Dominion, Democracy: Ireland's constitutional history north and south, 1870-2007 Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - *A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 1 History 10 credit module. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32960 Pills, Patents & Policies Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should choose 5 credits from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32460 Conquering Ireland, 1579-1691 Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should choose 5 credits from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32900 Questions in History Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should choose 5 credits from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32310 Revolutionary Russia, 1905-1921 Spring  5
    Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should choose 5 credits from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    HIS32380 Genocide & Mass Violence in the Twentieth Century Spring  5
    Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 3 Greek and Roman Civilisation modules from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    GRC20010 Alexander and his Successors Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 3 Greek and Roman Civilisation modules from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    GRC20230 Heracles the Hero Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 3 Greek and Roman Civilisation modules from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    GRC20290 The Comedies of Aristophanes Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 3 Greek and Roman Civilisation modules from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    GRC30070 Family Life in Ancient Greece Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 3 Greek and Roman Civilisation modules from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    GRC30200 Greek Tragedy and Myth Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 3 Greek and Roman Civilisation modules from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    GRC30330 Death and the Afterlife in the Ancient World Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 3 Greek and Roman Civilisation modules from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    GRC20030 Early Roman Empire Spring  5
    Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 3 Greek and Roman Civilisation modules from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    GRC20240 Piracy in World History Spring  5
    Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 3 Greek and Roman Civilisation modules from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    GRC20270 The Athenian Empire Spring  5
    Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 3 Greek and Roman Civilisation modules from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    GRC30090 Art and Architecture in Pompeii Spring  5
    Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 3 Greek and Roman Civilisation modules from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    GRC30290 Magic in the Ancient World Spring  5
    Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 3 Greek and Roman Civilisation modules from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    GRC30320 Classics in Popular Culture Spring  5
    Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of 3 Greek and Roman Civilisation modules from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    GRC30340 Access Classics Spring  5
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG31950 Architecture and Narrative Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG31960 Apocalypse Then: Old Eng. Lit. Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG31980 Women and the Novel in Romantic-era Britain Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG31990 Reading Gender and Sexuality Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32070 Medieval Celluloid Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32090 Masculinities and Manhood in Irish Writing and Culture Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32100 Fin-de-Siecle Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32230 Reading Beckett Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32340 The Modern Short Story: Critical and Creative Approaches Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32490 Seventeenth-Century Women: Texts, Lives, Documents Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32560 Writing Black: African American Literature and Racial Consciousness Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32600 Creative Non-Fiction Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32690 Writing Habits Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32720 Feminist Theory Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG31930 Irish Fiction After 2010 Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32020 Detecting Fictions: the Crime Novel in America, Britain and Ireland Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32110 Literature and Science Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32180 Poetry in Performance Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32270 Pursuits of Happiness: Fictions of America Since 1945 Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32670 Dark Romanticism Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG31900 Yeats and the Arts Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG31940 Global Science Fiction Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32080 Social Networks in Fiction: from Jane Austen to Conan Doyle Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32130 Irish Gothic Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32220 Popular Fiction in Britain Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32290 Reading Ulysses Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32380 Sexuality and the State in Irish Drama and Culture Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32590 Memory and Testimony in Performance Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 10 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32640 Girlhood in 21stC American YA Spring  10
    Stage 3 Options - D) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 5 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32510 Writing Dublin Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Options - D) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 5 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32520 Ugly Feelings Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Options - D) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 5 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32300 Making Shakespeare Spring  5
    Stage 3 Options - D) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should select a minimum of one English 5 credit module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a total of 25 credits for one trimester, with a minimum of 5 credits from all three subjects.
    ENG32310 Climate and Environment in Global Literature Spring  5
    Stage 3 Options - E) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should choose one additional option module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should not choose any modules from this list.
    IRFL20010 The Study of Folklore: Origins and Development Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Options - E) Min 0 of:
    Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should choose one additional option module from this list. Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should not choose any modules from this list.
    IRFL20030 The Narrative Art Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Options - F) Min 0 of:
    Students who have been offered a College sourced internship, or self-sourced their own internship with approval from the Programme Board should register to the internship module in the appropriate trimester.
    HUM30020 Internship-Autumn (Humanities) Autumn  30
    Stage 3 Options - F) Min 0 of:
    Students who have been offered a College sourced internship, or self-sourced their own internship with approval from the Programme Board should register to the internship module in the appropriate trimester.
    HUM30030 Internship- Spring (Humanities) Spring  30
    Stage 3 Options - H) Min 0 of:
    You may select one (or more) modules from this list as your elective modules. General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives Tab
    HUM30040 Created Spaces&Imagined Places Spring  5
    Stage 3 Options - H) Min 0 of:
    You may select one (or more) modules from this list as your elective modules. General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives Tab
    HUM30050 Professional Communication Workshop Spring  5
    Stage 4 Core Modules
    CEH30010 Heroes and Heroism Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - A) Min 0 of:
    The stage 4 dissertation is optional for all students. However, students who wish to take the 15credit dissertation module CEH30020 must also take EITHER ENG30970 OR HIS30550 in the first trimester.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    ENG30970 Dissertation Research Methods Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Options - A) Min 0 of:
    The stage 4 dissertation is optional for all students. However, students who wish to take the 15credit dissertation module CEH30020 must also take EITHER ENG30970 OR HIS30550 in the first trimester.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    HIS30550 Research Skills Seminar Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Options - A) Min 0 of:
    The stage 4 dissertation is optional for all students. However, students who wish to take the 15credit dissertation module CEH30020 must also take EITHER ENG30970 OR HIS30550 in the first trimester.
    All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in spring (Trimester 2)
    CEH30020 Dissertation Spring  15
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS31280 Rise, Fall, Rise of Modern Japan Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS31320 The Irish Revolution, 1910-1923 Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS31500 Past, Present and Future in Medieval England Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS31850 Contested Histories in Australia Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32430 Florence 1200 - 1400 Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32460 Conquering Ireland, 1579-1691 Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32620 US Pivots To Asia, 1890s-1950s Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32720 Frontiers of Empire Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32730 The Digital Humanities Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32860 Jonathan Swift and Ireland Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32900 Questions in History Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32950 Weimar Germany Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32970 The 1641 Rebellion Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32980 Britain's War Northern Ireland Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS31900 Roads to Heaven & Hell Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32710 Manufacturing Truth in the Modern World Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32850 Settler colonialism Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS31310 Madness and Civilisation Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS31400 British Atlantic History, 1607-1776 Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS31760 Irish Foreign Policy, 1919-73: A Place Among the Nations Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32230 Biography and History Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32310 Revolutionary Russia, 1905-1921 Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32330 A History of Decadence: Sex, Spectacle and Corruption in Eighteenth-Century Venice Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32350 Alcohol, Drugs & Society Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32380 Genocide & Mass Violence in the Twentieth Century Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32440 Florence 1400-1530 Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32650 Migration Nation: The Irish Migration Experience since 1945 Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32660 Conservative Political Activism in the United States, 1960-1980 Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32800 History from below: Rural life in the middle ages Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32870 Spectacle and the modern world Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32920 Britain in the Islamic World: Themes of empire, religion, and resistance 1800-1950 Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32940 Devolution, Dominion, Democracy: Ireland's constitutional history north and south, 1870-2007 Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    History Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects.
    HIS32960 Pills, Patents & Policies Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG31950 Architecture and Narrative Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG31960 Apocalypse Then: Old Eng. Lit. Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG31980 Women and the Novel in Romantic-era Britain Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG31990 Reading Gender and Sexuality Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32070 Medieval Celluloid Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32090 Masculinities and Manhood in Irish Writing and Culture Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32100 Fin-de-Siecle Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32230 Reading Beckett Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32340 The Modern Short Story: Critical and Creative Approaches Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32490 Seventeenth-Century Women: Texts, Lives, Documents Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32510 Writing Dublin Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32520 Ugly Feelings Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32560 Writing Black: African American Literature and Racial Consciousness Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32600 Creative Non-Fiction Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32690 Writing Habits Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32720 Feminist Theory Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG31930 Irish Fiction After 2010 Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32020 Detecting Fictions: the Crime Novel in America, Britain and Ireland Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32110 Literature and Science Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32180 Poetry in Performance Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32270 Pursuits of Happiness: Fictions of America Since 1945 Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32670 Dark Romanticism Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG31780 Contemporary European Crime Fiction Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG31900 Yeats and the Arts Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG31940 Global Science Fiction Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32080 Social Networks in Fiction: from Jane Austen to Conan Doyle Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32130 Irish Gothic Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32220 Popular Fiction in Britain Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32290 Reading Ulysses Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32300 Making Shakespeare Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32310 Climate and Environment in Global Literature Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32380 Sexuality and the State in Irish Drama and Culture Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32590 Memory and Testimony in Performance Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    English Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    ENG32640 Girlhood in 21stC American YA Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - D) Min 0 of:
    Classics Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    NOTE: you may only choose a MAXIMUM of 10 credits of level 2 classics modules (i.e. modules that begin with GRC2xxxx)
    GRC20010 Alexander and his Successors Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Options - D) Min 0 of:
    Classics Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    NOTE: you may only choose a MAXIMUM of 10 credits of level 2 classics modules (i.e. modules that begin with GRC2xxxx)
    GRC20290 The Comedies of Aristophanes Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Options - D) Min 0 of:
    Classics Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    NOTE: you may only choose a MAXIMUM of 10 credits of level 2 classics modules (i.e. modules that begin with GRC2xxxx)
    GRC30070 Family Life in Ancient Greece Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Options - D) Min 0 of:
    Classics Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    NOTE: you may only choose a MAXIMUM of 10 credits of level 2 classics modules (i.e. modules that begin with GRC2xxxx)
    GRC30200 Greek Tragedy and Myth Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Options - D) Min 0 of:
    Classics Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    NOTE: you may only choose a MAXIMUM of 10 credits of level 2 classics modules (i.e. modules that begin with GRC2xxxx)
    GRC30330 Death and the Afterlife in the Ancient World Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Options - D) Min 0 of:
    Classics Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    NOTE: you may only choose a MAXIMUM of 10 credits of level 2 classics modules (i.e. modules that begin with GRC2xxxx)
    GRC20030 Early Roman Empire Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - D) Min 0 of:
    Classics Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    NOTE: you may only choose a MAXIMUM of 10 credits of level 2 classics modules (i.e. modules that begin with GRC2xxxx)
    GRC20240 Piracy in World History Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - D) Min 0 of:
    Classics Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    NOTE: you may only choose a MAXIMUM of 10 credits of level 2 classics modules (i.e. modules that begin with GRC2xxxx)
    GRC20270 The Athenian Empire Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - D) Min 0 of:
    Classics Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    NOTE: you may only choose a MAXIMUM of 10 credits of level 2 classics modules (i.e. modules that begin with GRC2xxxx)
    GRC30090 Art and Architecture in Pompeii Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - D) Min 0 of:
    Classics Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    NOTE: you may only choose a MAXIMUM of 10 credits of level 2 classics modules (i.e. modules that begin with GRC2xxxx)
    GRC30290 Magic in the Ancient World Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - D) Min 0 of:
    Classics Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    NOTE: you may only choose a MAXIMUM of 10 credits of level 2 classics modules (i.e. modules that begin with GRC2xxxx)
    GRC30320 Classics in Popular Culture Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - D) Min 0 of:
    Classics Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    NOTE: you may only choose a MAXIMUM of 10 credits of level 2 classics modules (i.e. modules that begin with GRC2xxxx)
    GRC30340 Access Classics Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - D) Min 0 of:
    Classics Options
    Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least 10 credits in two out of the three pathway subjects. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take 40 credits of option modules in total including at least 10 credits in two out of three pathway subjects
    NOTE: you may only choose a MAXIMUM of 10 credits of level 2 classics modules (i.e. modules that begin with GRC2xxxx)
    GRC40310 Greek Political Thought Spring  10
    Stage 4 Options - E) Min 0 of:
    You may select this module as one of your elective modules. General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives Tab
    HUM30050 Professional Communication Workshop Spring  5

    Query does not exist

    See the UCD Assessment website for further details

    Module Weighting Info
      Award GPA
    Programme Module Weightings Rule Description Description >= <=
    BHACS024 Stage 4 - 50.00%
    Stage 3 - 30.00%
    Stage 2 - 20.00%
    Standard Honours Award First Class Honours



    Second Class Honours, Grade 1



    Second Class Honours, Grade 2




