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As an engineer, you will make a real difference in the world and be responsible for leading the way in finding solutions to real problems. Will you develop alternative or new sources of energy, invent life-saving medical devices or create new modes of communication? UCD Engineering offers a particularly wide range of engineering specialisations, from the traditional disciplines to offerings in areas such as Biomedical Engineering and Structural Engineering with Architecture.

Check out the college Youtube Channel (UCDEngArch) for student testimonials and recorded talks from our recent open days.

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About Engineering

At UCD, we provide a first-class education across our engineering disciplines, which are variously accredited by Engineers Ireland, the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) and the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IoM3). Whatever the specialisation, we place considerable emphasis on the mastery of analytical skills and the use of quantitative methods. Study is based on solid mathematical, scientific and engineering principles. Essentially, these are the fundamentals of engineering and they will enable you to navigate successfully through the challenges you will face in your future career.

We work with industry to ensure that our programmes produce graduates who are highly skilled and trained to address the problems that organisations and society face. We also pride ourselves on being research intensive and our curricula engages students in a culture of academic excellence and inquiry. This, coupled with the fact that our lecturers are experts in their fields, makes UCD the first choice for anyone interested in engineering.

Your first year in Engineering at UCD will see you immersed in a completely new life from both an educational and a social perspective. Educationally, the first year is a common year that allows you gain an understanding of the many engineering disciplines available, before you specialise. This year will be spent intensively learning and discovering how to solve problems through physics, chemistry, mathematics and computing, as well as gaining exposure to engineering subjects such as mechanics, energy engineering, creativity in design and electronic and electrical engineering. Throughout the year, you will be presented with information about the various specialisations and given advice to guide you in making the right decision when choosing your engineering pathway at the end of first year. 

UCD is building an environment that will support researchers across a broad spectrum of disciplines and that encourages collaborative research. Several research institutes and centres have been established to provide state-of-the-art resources and a critical mass of academics. Members of the College also participate in national Research Centres linking scientists and engineers in partnerships across academia and industry to address crucial research questions.

Contact: Katie O'Neill, College Marketing Manager 
Address: Room 320, UCD Engineering and Materials Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Tel: +353 1 716 1781
Email: katie.oneill@ucd.ie
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With over 17,000 alumni, UCD College of Engineering and Architecture is one of the largest and most prestigious in the country.  We produce the most sought after engineering and architecture graduates, at home and abroad. For almost one-hundred years now, our students are leaving UCD armed with a Degree, which essentially becomes their passport for life and their ticket to becoming part of this unique network of alumni.

Among our accomplished alumni of UCD Engineering are: