BMOL20060 |
Biomolecular Lab Skills 1 |
Autumn |
5 |
BIOL20060 |
Scientific Communication |
Spring |
5 |
ZOOL20030 |
Principles of Zoology |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of: CHEM20090 is a CORE MODULE for students who wish to progress with any subject in the BBB stream. Students registered to, or who have taken, both CHEM20080 and CHEM20100, are not required to take CHEM20090. Students who are unable to register to CHEM20090 should contact the Science Office. |
CHEM20090 |
Chemistry for Biology |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 2 Options - B) Min 0 of: Students who wish to to take Zoology in Stage 3 should take ENVB20050 in Stage 2. ENVB20050 is a pre-requisite for a Stage 3 core Zoology module (ENVB30010). |
ENVB20050 |
Principles of Environmental Biology & Ecology |
Spring |
5 |
ENVB30010 |
Systems Ecology |
Autumn |
5 |
ZOOL30030 |
Evolutionary Biology |
Autumn |
5 |
ZOOL30050 |
Diversity of Invertebrates |
Autumn |
5 |
BIOL30030 |
Working with Biological Data |
Spring |
5 |
ZOOL30010 |
Functional Morphology |
Spring |
5 |
ZOOL30020 |
Arthropoda |
Spring |
5 |
ZOOL30040 |
Diversity of Vertebrates |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 3 of: Students must select at least three modules from the list below. ENVB20050 must be taken in Stage 3 if not taken by students in Stage 2 |
BIOL30040 |
Scientific Writing for Biology |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 3 of: Students must select at least three modules from the list below. ENVB20050 must be taken in Stage 3 if not taken by students in Stage 2 |
CELB20060 |
Principles of Cell & Molecular Biology |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 3 of: Students must select at least three modules from the list below. ENVB20050 must be taken in Stage 3 if not taken by students in Stage 2 |
ENVB30020 |
Wildlife Conservation and Fisheries Management |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 3 of: Students must select at least three modules from the list below. ENVB20050 must be taken in Stage 3 if not taken by students in Stage 2 |
ENVB30140 |
Analysis of Environmental Materials |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 3 of: Students must select at least three modules from the list below. ENVB20050 must be taken in Stage 3 if not taken by students in Stage 2 |
ZOOL20020 |
Animal Behaviour |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 3 of: Students must select at least three modules from the list below. ENVB20050 must be taken in Stage 3 if not taken by students in Stage 2 |
CELB30100 |
Developmental Biology |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 3 of: Students must select at least three modules from the list below. ENVB20050 must be taken in Stage 3 if not taken by students in Stage 2 |
ENVB20050 |
Principles of Environmental Biology & Ecology |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 3 of: Students must select at least three modules from the list below. ENVB20050 must be taken in Stage 3 if not taken by students in Stage 2 |
GENE20020 |
Principles of Genetics |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 3 of: Students must select at least three modules from the list below. ENVB20050 must be taken in Stage 3 if not taken by students in Stage 2 |
ZOOL30060 |
Biogeography and Field Biology |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 4 Options - A)1 of: Students select either the Research Project (BIOL40360) or the Critical Literature Review (BIOL40870). For students selecting BIOL40360, this 20 credit project module is spread over two trimesters, but about 10 credits worth of work is expected to be done in Autumn. For students selecting BIOL40870, this 15 credit critical literature review is spread over two trimesters, but about 10 credits worth of work is expected to be done in Autumn. Students should bear this in mind when selecting option modules and balance their workload across trimesters |
BIOL40360 |
Research Project |
2 Trimester duration (Aut-Spr) |
20 |
Stage 4 Options - A)1 of: Students select either the Research Project (BIOL40360) or the Critical Literature Review (BIOL40870). For students selecting BIOL40360, this 20 credit project module is spread over two trimesters, but about 10 credits worth of work is expected to be done in Autumn. For students selecting BIOL40870, this 15 credit critical literature review is spread over two trimesters, but about 10 credits worth of work is expected to be done in Autumn. Students should bear this in mind when selecting option modules and balance their workload across trimesters |
BIOL40870 |
Critical Literature Review |
2 Trimester duration (Aut-Spr) |
15 |
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of: Students who select BIOL40360 from List A should take 8 option modules from List B. Students who select BIOL40870 from List A should take 9 option modules from List B. Please note that students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. |
ENVB40040 |
Environmental Impact Assessment |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of: Students who select BIOL40360 from List A should take 8 option modules from List B. Students who select BIOL40870 from List A should take 9 option modules from List B. Please note that students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. |
ENVB40490 |
Tropical Field Ecology |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of: Students who select BIOL40360 from List A should take 8 option modules from List B. Students who select BIOL40870 from List A should take 9 option modules from List B. Please note that students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. |
ENVB40540 |
Introduction to Ecological Mapping with open source software (QGIS) |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of: Students who select BIOL40360 from List A should take 8 option modules from List B. Students who select BIOL40870 from List A should take 9 option modules from List B. Please note that students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. |
SCI30080 |
Professional Placement-Science |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of: Students who select BIOL40360 from List A should take 8 option modules from List B. Students who select BIOL40870 from List A should take 9 option modules from List B. Please note that students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. |
ZOOL40040 |
Molecular Phylogenetics - Powers and Pitfalls |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of: Students who select BIOL40360 from List A should take 8 option modules from List B. Students who select BIOL40870 from List A should take 9 option modules from List B. Please note that students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. |
ZOOL40300 |
Epithelial Transport in Animal Physiology |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of: Students who select BIOL40360 from List A should take 8 option modules from List B. Students who select BIOL40870 from List A should take 9 option modules from List B. Please note that students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. |
ZOOL40500 |
Ornithology |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of: Students who select BIOL40360 from List A should take 8 option modules from List B. Students who select BIOL40870 from List A should take 9 option modules from List B. Please note that students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. |
ZOOL40510 |
Conservation of Biodiversity: Theory and Practice |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of: Students who select BIOL40360 from List A should take 8 option modules from List B. Students who select BIOL40870 from List A should take 9 option modules from List B. Please note that students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. |
BIOL40850 |
Big Questions in Biology |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of: Students who select BIOL40360 from List A should take 8 option modules from List B. Students who select BIOL40870 from List A should take 9 option modules from List B. Please note that students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. |
CELB40180 |
Cell Biology & Genetics of Ageing |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of: Students who select BIOL40360 from List A should take 8 option modules from List B. Students who select BIOL40870 from List A should take 9 option modules from List B. Please note that students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. |
ENVB40020 |
Marine Community Ecology |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of: Students who select BIOL40360 from List A should take 8 option modules from List B. Students who select BIOL40870 from List A should take 9 option modules from List B. Please note that students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. |
ENVB40290 |
Ecological Modelling |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of: Students who select BIOL40360 from List A should take 8 option modules from List B. Students who select BIOL40870 from List A should take 9 option modules from List B. Please note that students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. |
GENE40080 |
Population Genetics |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of: Students who select BIOL40360 from List A should take 8 option modules from List B. Students who select BIOL40870 from List A should take 9 option modules from List B. Please note that students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. |
GENE40090 |
Epigenetics |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of: Students who select BIOL40360 from List A should take 8 option modules from List B. Students who select BIOL40870 from List A should take 9 option modules from List B. Please note that students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. |
ZOOL40280 |
Biological Invasions |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of: Students who select BIOL40360 from List A should take 8 option modules from List B. Students who select BIOL40870 from List A should take 9 option modules from List B. Please note that students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. |
ZOOL40490 |
Wildlife Habitat Modelling for Ecology and Conservation |
Spring |
5 |